Table 2:Biological Properties of C Activation Products and their Regulatory Molecules. Component Biological activity Effect Controls C2b(prokinin) Accumulation of body fluid Edema CI-INH C3a Anaphylaxis Carb (anaphylatoxin) ed vascula ermeability:smooth muscle (C3a-INA) contraction Induction of suppressor T cells Immunoregulation C3band its Opsonization;Phagocyte activation Phagocytosis Factors H&】 products C4a Basophil&mast cell activation Anaphylaxis C3a-INA (anaphylatoxin) smooth muscle contraction enhanced vascular permeability C46 Opsonization Phagocytosis C4-BP,Factor I Anaphylaxis C3a INA (anaphylatoxin Chemotactic smo usc action. factor) Chemotaxis:neutrophil aggregation. Inflammation Oxidative metabolism stimulation. Delayed anaphylaxis. Immunoregulation Protein-S C5b67 Chemotaxis;attachment to othe Inflan mation lysis of bystander cells. You have learned: Proteins of the complement system. 2. Differences and similarities among the different pathways of C3 activation. Significance of the different pathways in specific and nonspecific immunity Role of different complement activation products in amplification of nonspecific and specific immunity and inflammation. 7Table 2: Biological Properties of C Activation Products and their Regulatory Molecules. Component Biological activity Effect Controls C2b (prokinin) C3a (anaphylatoxin) C3b and its products C4a (anaphylatoxin) C4b C5a (anaphylatoxin; Chemotactic factor) C5b67 Accumulation of body fluid Basophil and mast cell degranulation; enhanced vascular permeability; smooth muscle contraction; Induction of suppressor T cells. Opsonization; Phagocyte activation Basophil & mast cell activation; smooth muscle contraction; enhanced vascular permeability. Opsonization Basophil & mast cell activation; enhanced vascular permeability; smooth muscle contraction. Chemotaxis; neutrophil aggregation; Oxidative metabolism stimulation. Stimulation of leukotriene release Induction of helper T-cells. Chemotaxis; attachment to other cell membranes. Edema Anaphylaxis Immunoregulation Phagocytosis Anaphylaxis Phagocytosis Anaphylaxis Inflammation Delayed anaphylaxis. Immunoregulation. Inflammation; lysis of bystander cells. C1-INH Carboxy￾peptidase- B (C3a-INA) Factors H & I C3a-INA C4-BP, Factor I C3a INA Protein-S You have learned: 1. Proteins of the complement system. 2. Differences and similarities among the different pathways of C3 activation. 3. Significance of the different pathways in specific and nonspecific immunity. 4. Role of different complement activation products in amplification of nonspecific and specific immunity and inflammation. 7
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