448 Chilled foods In addition, feedback of performance to staff is an essential means of motivating staff to further improvement. It is quite easy for staff to be involved in performance measurement but not see a clear picture, because they see individual results rather than trends such feedback can be in the form of summaries of audits(based for example on a points system), trend graphs for conformance to specification or information on customer complaint 15.6 Benefits The achievement of total quality management or a good quality system is a never-ending road to improvement. Those who have embarked on this journey have found a number of benefits 15.6.1 Economic Generally, the operation is more cost-effective. This is achieved by getting it right first time. There is a reduction in the amount of wasted material productivity is increased as a result of the orderliness created. There is a reduction in the number of customer complaints. Machine efficiency improves and manufacturing capacity increases 15.62 Marketing By meeting customer needs consistently, there is an opportunity to secure the customer base and to build sales success. customers are more confident in the consistency of product and they see a commitment to quality 15.6.3 nternal A number of benefits are achieved within the operation. Staff morale improves because staff know what is expected of them. There is increased awareness of quality and a commitment to quality. Communication improves and staff are better trained. There is much improved management control with greater confidence in the operation, a reduced amount of fire-fighting,, a uniformity of approach to procedures and a mechanism for continuous improvement 15.6.4 Fulfilling legislative requirements a good-quality system is of great benefit in demonstrating that attention has been paid to complying with legislative requirements, particularly those of due ligence. The quality system provides documented evidence of its functioning through written procedures, of its success through the records, and of its ability to improve through audits and review.In addition, feedback of performance to staff is an essential means of motivating staff to further improvement. It is quite easy for staff to be involved in performance measurement but not see a clear picture, because they see individual results rather than trends. Such feedback can be in the form of summaries of audits (based for example on a points system), trend graphs for conformance to specification or information on customer complaints. 15.6 Benefits The achievement of total quality management or a good quality system is a never-ending road to improvement. Those who have embarked on this journey have found a number of benefits. 15.6.1 Economic Generally, the operation is more cost-effective. This is achieved by getting it ‘right first time’. There is a reduction in the amount of wasted material; productivity is increased as a result of the orderliness created. There is a reduction in the number of customer complaints. Machine efficiency improves and manufacturing capacity increases. 15.6.2 Marketing By meeting customer needs consistently, there is an opportunity to secure the customer base, and to build sales success. Customers are more confident in the consistency of product and they see a commitment to quality. 15.6.3 Internal A number of benefits are achieved within the operation. Staff morale improves because staff know what is expected of them. There is increased awareness of quality and a commitment to quality. Communication improves and staff are better trained. There is much improved management control with greater confidence in the operation, a reduced amount of ‘fire-fighting’, a uniformity of approach to procedures and a mechanism for continuous improvement. 15.6.4 Fulfilling legislative requirements A good-quality system is of great benefit in demonstrating that attention has been paid to complying with legislative requirements, particularly those of due diligence. The quality system provides documented evidence of its functioning through written procedures, of its success through the records, and of its ability to improve through audits and review. 448 Chilled foods
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