2744 AT PRESENT 2847 青南南 水南南 There's nothing to do at present. 2752 USED TO 2831 者省南 南南南 It may take a while to get used to. (ACCUSTOMED) 2759 WHETHER OR 2824 南 It depends on whether or not he comes on time. NOT 2767 IN PLACE 2805 There are systems in place to handle that. 2776 NO DOUBT 2791 南者 南南南 She can and will no doubt improve over time. ('SURELY) 2785 FULL TIME 2761 南南 青南南 I'm a full time fan of his music. 2817 SORT OUT 2696 南南南 南南 南南 They managed to sort out everything on their 2823 IN A WAY 2684 南者南 贵南南 It's funny in a way. 2826 OR SOMETHING 2683 南者贵 The sales clerk seemed distracted or something. (PERHAPS) 2827 ON BEHALF OF 2679 南南南 I'd like to apologize on behalf of the committee. 2828 OVER THERE 2678 南者有 He put it way over there. 2829 IN SPITE OF 2676 In spite of all the work there were few alterations. 2831 THAT'S IT 2674 X That's it for today,I'm afraid. 2848 IN PART 2652 青南南 南青者 It is in part the reason people come here. 2857 OH NO 2642 南南★ Oh no not again. 2859 IN MIND 2638 南南南 南南南 南★ Do you have anything special in mind? 2863 (WITH)REGARD 2630 南南南 南南南 There was some confusion with regard to TO payment. 2868 ONE ANOTHER 2623 南肉贵 They looked at one anothor for a few minutes. 2871 AS FOLLOWS 2620 青者。 The plan is as follows. 2879 THE ABOVE 2608 X 南南南 南南南 The above only underscores strength of the data. 2888 TO DATE 2600 南南南 南南南 To date there have been over nine instances. 2892G0INT0 2595 青南 I won't go into what he said. 2898 TOO MANY 2587 You don't see too many like that one,I'll tell you.10 2744 AT PRESENT 2847 * * * * * * * There’s nothing to do at present. 2752 USED TO (ACCUSTOMED) 2831 * * * * * * * It may take a while to get used to. 2759 WHETHER OR NOT 2824 * * * * * * * It depends on whether or not he comes on time. 2767 IN PLACE 2805 * * * * * * * There are systems in place to handle that. 2776 NO DOUBT ('SURELY') 2791 * * * * * * She can and will no doubt improve over time. 2785 FULL TIME 2761 * * * * * * * I’m a full time fan of his music. 2817 SORT OUT 2696 * * * * * * * They managed to sort out everything on their own. 2823 IN A WAY 2684 * * * * * * * It’s funny in a way. 2826 OR SOMETHING ('PERHAPS') 2683 * * * * x The sales clerk seemed distracted or something. 2827 ON BEHALF OF 2679 x * * * * I’d like to apologize on behalf of the committee. 2828 OVER THERE 2678 * * * * x He put it way over there. 2829 IN SPITE OF 2676 * * * * * * * In spite of all the work there were few alterations. 2831 THAT'S IT 2674 * * * * x That’s it for today, I’m afraid. 2848 IN PART 2652 x * * * * * * It is in part the reason people come here. 2857 OH NO 2642 * * * x x Oh no not again. 2859 IN MIND 2638 * * * * * * * * Do you have anything special in mind ? 2863 (WITH) REGARD TO 2630 * * * * * * * There was some confusion with regard to payment. 2868 ONE ANOTHER 2623 * * * * * They looked at one another for a few minutes. 2871 AS FOLLOWS 2620 x * * * * * The plan is as follows. 2879 THE ABOVE 2608 x * * * * * * The above only underscores strength of the data. 2888 TO DATE 2600 * * * * * * * To date there have been over nine instances. 2892 GO INTO 2595 * * * * * * I won’t go into what he said. 2898 TOO MANY 2587 * * * * * * * * * You don’t see too many like that one, I’ll tell you
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