3686 TO SOME EXTENT 1688 南南★ 青南南 南南南 It is to some extent what is considered standard. 3695 SOME KIND OF 1678 贵出有 南南 What are you,some kind of genius? 3700 KEEP UP 1674 南南有 南南 Keep up if you can. 3709 NO IDEA 1670 X You have no idea. 3712 GREATER THAN 1666 南青贵 Anything greater than five is fine. 3715 HAPPEN TO(BE) 1664 南南南 南南 X This happens to be my first conference. 3718 HELD THAT 1661 t 南南 南南南 The congress held that it was acceptable. ('BELIEVED') 3722 FACED WITH 1658 南南束 Faced with defeat,he changed tactics. 3733DO(ING)SO 1647 南南南 Unfortunately,doing so also meant facing traffic. 3738SET OFF 1644 南 南南南 We set off at noon. 3740PUT FORWARD 1640 南南 南南南 The group put forward several other proposals. 3760 FROM TIME TO TIME 1627 南黄南 南南 南 He does come round from time to time 3791 THE MEANS 1626 He hasn't the means to get there. 3762 EVER SINCE 1622 南南南 南 And they haven't been the same ever since. 3763 JUST ABOUT 1622 青者南 X Am I finished?Just about. 3771 AS OPPOSED TO 1615 黄南 南者南 Better now,as opposed to what? 3774 GIVE RISE TO 1613 青南南 南青音 The protests gave rise to new violence 3780 LARGE SCALE 1610 南南南 They were thinking on a large scale. 3782 MAKE SENSE 1608 Doesn't it make sense to do it that way? 3789 BY MEANS OF 1602 It was possible to achieve by means of coercion. 3790 IN SHORT 1602 The employees were in short tired of it. 3791 A BIT OF A 1599 贵者南 He's a bit of a film fanatic. 3796 BREAK UP 1595 贵者南 ¥」 They did keep in touch after they broke up. 3803 BUT THEN (AGAIN) 1589 贵出贵 X I went over budget,but then I expected I would. 3830ALLT00 1571 南南南 青南南 X Why is this all too familiar? 3831PUT UP 1571 青南南 贵南南 X The authorities put up a sign to notify the public. 15 15 3686 TO SOME EXTENT 1688 * * * * * * * * * It is to some extent what is considered standard. 3695 SOME KIND OF 1678 * * * * * x What are you, some kind of genius? 3700 KEEP UP 1674 * * * * * * * Keep up if you can. 3709 NO IDEA 1670 * * * * x You have no idea. 3712 GREATER THAN 1666 * * * * * * Anything greater than five is fine. 3715 HAPPEN TO (BE) 1664 * * * * * x This happens to be my first conference. 3718 HELD THAT (‘BELIEVED’) 1661 x * * * * * The congress held that it was acceptable. 3722 FACED WITH 1658 * * * * * Faced with defeat, he changed tactics. 3733 DO(ING) SO 1647 * * * * * * * Unfortunately, doing so also meant facing traffic. 3738 SET OFF 1644 * * * * * x We set off at noon. 3740 PUT FORWARD 1640 * * * * * * The group put forward several other proposals. 3760 FROM TIME TO TIME 1627 * * * * * * He does come round from time to time. 3791 THE MEANS 1626 * * * * * * * He hasn’t the means to get there. 3762 EVER SINCE 1622 * * * * * * * And they haven’t been the same ever since. 3763 JUST ABOUT 1622 * * * * x Am I finished? Just about. 3771 AS OPPOSED TO 1615 * * * * * * * * Better now, as opposed to what? 3774 GIVE RISE TO 1613 * * * * * * * The protests gave rise to new violence. 3780 LARGE SCALE 1610 * * * * * * * They were thinking on a large scale. 3782 MAKE SENSE 1608 * * * * * * Doesn’t it make sense to do it that way? 3789 BY MEANS OF 1602 * * * * * * * It was possible to achieve by means of coercion. 3790 IN SHORT 1602 x * * * * * The employees were in short tired of it. 3791 A BIT OF A 1599 * * * * x He’s a bit of a film fanatic. 3796 BREAK UP 1595 * * * * * x They did keep in touch after they broke up. 3803 BUT THEN (AGAIN) 1589 * * * * * x I went over budget, but then I expected I would. 3830 ALL TOO 1571 * * * * * * x Why is this all too familiar? 3831 PUT UP 1571 * * * * * * x The authorities put up a sign to notify the public
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