C Porcel et aL Expert Systems with Applications 36(2009)5173-5183 Recommender System about Research Resources 代生Ur也 Resource sean它 P7 Cooperation Work Programme: Theme 2-Food, Agriculture and 22122006 Complementary Actions 17042007 Subsidies of National Program of Environmental Sciences and 1807007 Fig. 6. Example of resources list. After this, the system has two sets of selected users WN and c, the resource information and its calculated linguistic relevance and for each user it has a value G(VR, VU))> y The system applies degree. to each aI(VR, vU) the transformation function defined in Defini- For the users in wc the system performs an additional step: it tion 6 to obtain the relevance degree of the resource i for the user calculates the collaboration possibilities between the selected expressed in the set Sz. Then, the system sends to the users of Wn users. To do it, between each two users x, yE we Compute oI(VR,,vUAl o(VR, VU,)2v the amount rank Reject j preferences? es the user i w Include the user in Uc For each user k of with the user kind k? Yes To compute the compatibility degree between j and resource information and its relevance degree Fig. 7. Filtering process for a user j.After this, the system has two sets of selected users UN and UC, and for each user it has a value rlðVRi; VUjÞ P w. The system applies to each rlðVRi; VUjÞ the transformation function defined in Defini￾tion 6 to obtain the relevance degree of the resource i for the user j, expressed in the set S2. Then, the system sends to the users of UN the resource information and its calculated linguistic relevance degree. For the users in UC the system performs an additional step; it calculates the collaboration possibilities between the selected users. To do it, between each two users x; y 2 UC: Fig. 6. Example of resources list. Fig. 7. Filtering process for a user j. 5180 C. Porcel et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 5173–5183
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