1. Partial pressure of O,(PO,) 溶解在血液中的氧所产生的张力。 The pressure or tension produced by physically dissolved o2 in the blood NormaI: Pao2: 100 mmHg Influenced by: the oxygen pressure in the inhaled air extra-respiration Normal:PⅴO2:40 mmhs Influenced by intra-respiration1. Partial pressure of O2(PO2) 溶解在血液中的氧所产生的张力。 The pressure or tension produced by physically dissolved O2 in the blood. Normal: PaO2 : 100 mmHg 吸入气氧分压 Influenced by: the oxygen pressure in the inhalied air extra-respiration Normal: PvO2 : 40 mmHg Influenced by intra-respiration
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