Application of Burke's theory in discourse analysis Homework Ex1:第一夫人娜娃 巴拉克竞选班子开始使用他们的“秘密武器”一巴拉克夫人娜娃。娜娃是英语老师,也会讲 流利的阿拉伯语。最近,她与前总理佩雷斯参加了一场呼吁阿拉伯裔选民支持巴拉克的竞选活动。 娜娃在用西伯来语发表讲话后,又用阿拉伯语重复了一遍。谈到时13名以色列籍阿拉伯人在去年声 援巴勒斯坦人的示威中被打死一事时,娜娃说:作为母亲,没有比失去自己孩子更痛苦了。所以, 今天我来到这里,分担你们的痛苦,并向所有受难家庭传达我沉痛的悼念。… Ex2:Saddam Hussein's speeches delivered during the Gulf War,trying to unite the Arab world A president speaks to a huge audience:"We are in war." Ex3:购买Marlboro牌香烟的顾客会无意识地想象自己抽烟时像Marlborol广告上那个人那样气质非 凡,风度翩翩。 Key Points of Pre- Rhetoric and writing studying How does rhetoric work in English writing? The classes have been well organized. On one hand,the students are interested in Burke's five elements of penad,on the other hand,some of them are still confused with this method.More exercises Implementation are needed. and Analysis Details will be given in later days.Homework Application of Burke’s theory in discourse analysis Ex1: 第一夫人娜娃 ……巴拉克竞选班子开始使用他们的“秘密武器”—-巴拉克夫人娜娃。……娜娃是英语老师,也会讲 流利的阿拉伯语。最近,她与前总理佩雷斯参加了一场呼吁阿拉伯裔选民支持巴拉克的竞选活动。 娜娃在用西伯来语发表讲话后,又用阿拉伯语重复了一遍。谈到时13名以色列籍阿拉伯人在去年声 援巴勒斯坦人的示威中被打死一事时,娜娃说:作为母亲,没有比失去自己孩子更痛苦了。所以, 今天我来到这里,分担你们的痛苦,并向所有受难家庭传达我沉痛的悼念。…… Ex2: Saddam Hussein’s speeches delivered during the Gulf War, trying to unite the Arab world A president speaks to a huge audience:“ We are in war.” Ex3: 购买Marlboro 牌香烟的顾客会无意识地想象自己抽烟时像Marlboro广告上那个人那样气质非 凡,风度翩翩。 Key Points of Pre￾studying Rhetoric and writing How does rhetoric work in English writing? Implementation and Analysis The classes have been well organized. On one hand, the students are interested in Burke’s five elements of penad, on the other hand, some of them are still confused with this method. More exercises are needed. Details will be given in later days
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