xxii Symbols c(n,c(传) coefficient of the eigenkets of continuous observablesand,respectively lc) polarization state vector (along the C.c constants coulomb charge unit,correlation function cost function Cjk cost incurred by choosing the j-th hypothesis when the k-th hypothesis is true field of complex numbers electric dipole d distance D decoherence functional D(a)=eaat-a"a displacement operator exponential function e electric charge e=(ex.ev.ez) vector orthogonal to the propagation direction of the electromagnetic field le) excited state lex) k-th ket of the environment's eigenbasisej E energy E Eo E one-dimensional electric field E=-VVe-A classical electric field r,刊=∑(会)月 electric field operator ×aure-gre] environment effect 1E) ket describing a generic state of the environment ir arbitrary function arbitrary vectors 1f) final state vector force,arbitrary classical physical quantity . Fm classically magnetic force Fm(中) eigenfunctions of Fr)=传<x) distribution function of a random variable that can take values g arbitrary function,gravitational acceleration g ground state G(n) coherence of the n-th order xxii Symbols c(η), c(ξ ) coefficient of the eigenkets of continuous observables ηˆ and ξˆ, respectively | c polarization state vector (along the direction c) C,C constants C coulomb charge unit, correlation function C cost function Cjk cost incurred by choosing the j-th hypothesis when the k-th hypothesis is true C( field of complex numbers d electric dipole d distance D decoherence functional Dˆ (α) = eαaˆ†−α∗aˆ displacement operator e exponential function e electric charge e = (ex , ey , ez) vector orthogonal to the propagation direction of the electromagnetic field | e excited state | ek k-th ket of the environment’s eigenbasis   e j   E energy En n-th energy level, energy eigenvalue E0 energy value of the ground state E one-dimensional electric field E = −∇Ve − ∂ ∂t A classical electric field Eˆ (r, t) = ı k h¯ωk 20 1 2 × aˆkuk(r)e−ıωkt − ˆa† ku∗ k(r)eıωkt electric field operator E environment Eˆ effect |E ket describing a generic state of the environment f arbitrary function f, f  arbitrary vectors | f final state vector F force, arbitrary classical physical quantity Fe classically electrical force Fm classically magnetic force Fm(φ) eigenfunctions of ˆlz F(x) = ℘(ξ < x) distribution function of a random variable that can take values < x g arbitrary function, gravitational acceleration | g ground state G(n) coherence of the n-th order
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