(1)The earth and anim ng gra uld the diste see fa adens one (2)Cause the vision to reach away:make one see far into the distance.broaden one's horizon (3)Cause wonder to build upon the mind:cause wonder to grow,make their imagination grow great billowing (I)N ote the ngure connected with r-billowing.sail,like wate nen you use an (2)To billow:tsurge.swell in large waves and move like sails upon the sky.casting shadows on the grain fields.As the clouds move,the shadows move too,making some patches of land brighter and some dark (3) fields the couds mve the he sky g some p some darker 1)take h to get control or possession o co t h er the soil Itightly or prevent it from being washed away 58 Prec sely there does it have (1)Note the inversion of the sentence order for emphasis.The word"there"is being stressed (2)Th character ofodere the worrainmnsnu (③)After their m gration to the plains the ki orshin the as their god.The Sun Dance was their religious ceremony,and Tai-me was the Sun Dance fetish,their object of religious worship. 59.When the Kiowas ca me to th n a pouring d liberality abundance:a great amount or quantity (3)the oldest deity refers to the sun (4)After the solstices,the sun plays the dominant role Not yet wou uld they on southward to the land lying below which was like a large kettle.First,they must give their bodies some time to get used to the plains.Secondly,they lidn't want o lose sight of the mountains so soon ve ge t e co ald of th e use of and the id E They loved in a palace of a house. It is a dark cave of a room. tle shrimp of a fellow (5)The lan n the River in Wyomn Para.8 60.What is the main idea of this paragraph? 6 In this para Devil'st er an d tells the Kiowas'legend about it anvil's land arren and hard.The sentence echoes the expression"the h 1 the topf (1)upthrust:a geological term m eanin g an upheaval of a part ofthe earth's crust. al po rtion of the earth ocky outer portion or shell of the earth(1) The earth unfolds and the limit of the land is far in the distance, where there are clusters of trees and animals eating grass. This landscape makes one see far and broaden s one’s horizon. Remember that they could not see far into the distance in the forest-covered mountains. (2) Cause the vision to reach away: make one see far into the distance, broaden one’s horizon (3) Cause.wonder to build upon the mind: cause wonder to grow, make their imagination grow 55. The great billowing . (1) Note the figure of speech connected with water- billowing, sail, like water. When you use an extended metaphor, stick to the same metaphor and avoid using mixed metaphor. (2) To billow: t surge, swell in large waves and move like sails upon the sky, casting shadows on the grain fields. As the clouds move, the shadows move too, making some patches of land brighter and some darker. (3) Clouds swell like large waves and move like sails upon the sky, casting shadows on the grain fields. As the clouds move, the shadows move too, making some patches of land brighter and some darker. 56. Sweet clover takes hold of . (1) take hold of: to get control or possession of (2) seal the soil: cover the soil tightly or prevent it from being washed away 57. at home: comfortable, at ease 58. Precisely there does it have . (1) Note the inversion of the sentence order for emphasis. The word “there” is being stressed. (2) The certain character of a god: here the word “certain” means unquestionable, not to be doubted. (3) After their migration to the plains, the Kiowas began to worship the sun as their god. The Sun Dance was their religious ceremony, and Tai-me was the Sun Dance fetish, their object of religious worship. 59. When the Kiowas came to the land . (1) profusion: a pouring forthwith great liberality; abundance; a great amount or quantity (2) grain shelves: terraced fields of grain (3) the oldest deity refers to the sun (4) After the solstices, the sun plays the dominant role. 60. Not yet would they. (1) Note the inversion of the sentence order. (2) They would not yet change the direction southward to the land lying below which was like a large kettle. First, they must give their bodies some time to get used to the plains. Secondly, they didn’t want to lose sight of the mountains so soon. (3) To veer: to change the direction, change the course (4) The caldron of the land: the land that is like a caldron. The use of implied comparison and the noun “caldron” instead of the attributive clause makes the description more vivid. E.g. They loved in a palace of a house. It is a dark cave of a room. Before him stood a little shrimp of a fellow. (5) The land that lay below: now they are stopping by the Bighorn River in Wyoming, midway between the highlands of Montana and the Great Plains. Para.8 60. What is the main idea of this paragraph? In this paragraph the author describes Devil’s tower and tells the Kiowas’ legend about it. 61. The land was like iron: the land was barren and hard. The sentence echoes the expression “ the prairie is an anvil’s edge” in Paragraph 1. 62. At the top of a ridge I . (1) upthrust: a geological term meaning an upheaval of a part of the earth’s crust. (2) Core: the central portion of the earth (3) Crust: the solid, rocky outer portion or shell of the earth
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