NEUROLOGICAL PROGRESS Large-Scale Neurocognitive Networks and Distributed Processing for Attention, Language,and Memory M-Marsel Mesulam,MD tion and ment are subserved by inter high-eve com ing aard sim ultiple po e to this del co mplexb ed at than sp cal sit ioa.coatetand The relationship be een brain structure and complex play a de det .Mos ber of weak traints o that the system n rela oduct of the rapid computai ons required orentdlactivig enab Pprocessadditionlcog There ed at the ch,Pitts,a networks iences now allow ontain an int atnoedea processing,McCle an mediate al netw hecshnotoanlocdne etworks. rom Bullard and De ries,Divis ot Neu te p esmrDcnd m Copyright1990 by the American Neurological Association 597
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