The hub network design problem:M.E.O'Kelly and H.J.Miller 5 8 A E 5 8 3 3 6 8 B 5 8 ● 3 6 5 8 C G 5 8 6 Q 5 8 D H 5 8 6 6 Figure 4 Example Protocol A-H networks Table 4 Hub network design issues under different protocols with examples Design class Design variables Empirical examples" Analysis examples Protocol A Hub location Rockwell 0 Kelly(1986,1987.1992a,1992b): Node-single hub assignment Interplant communications O'Kelly and Miller (1991):Aykin (1988); Aykin and Brown (1992);Klincewicz (1991) Protocol B Hub location Satellite communications Chou (1990):Helme and Magnanti (1989) Node-single hub assignment Hub-hub links Protocol C Hub location Financial networks Aykin(1992.1993: Node-single hub assignment Campbell (1991a,1991b) Node-node links Protocol D Hub location Financial networks Unknown at this time (4/93) Node-single hub assignment Hub-hub links Node-node links Protocol E Hub location Air passenger networks Campbell (1990a.1990b) Node-multiple hub assignment Protocol F Hub location Yellow Freight Leung er al (1990): Node-multiple hub assignment Powell and Sheffi (1983) Hub-hub links Protocol G Hub location Air passenger networks Aykin(1992,1993): Node-multiple hub assignment Campbell (1991a.1991b) Node-node links Protocol H Hub location Air passenger networks Unknown at this time (4/93) Node-multiple hub assignment Hub-hub links Node-node links Note:"The empirical examples and references are discussed in the text. 38 Journal of Transport Geogruphy 1994 Volume 2 Number IThe hub network design problem: M. E. O'Kelly and H.i. Miller 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 A B c o E F G H 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 Figure 4 Example Protocol A-H networks Table 4 Hub network design issues under different protocols with examples Design class Protocol A Protocol B Protocol C Protocol D Protocol E Protocol F Protocol G Protocol H Design variables Hub location Node-single hub assignment Hub location Node-single hub assignment Hub-hub links Hub location Node-single hub assignmcnt Node-node links Hub location Node-single hub assignment Hub-hub links Node-node links Hub location Node-multiple hub assignment Hub location Node-multiple hub assignment Hub-hub links Hub location Node-multiple hub assignment Node-nodc links Hub location Node-multiple hub assignment Hub-hub links Node-nodc links Empirical examples· Rockwell Interplant communications Satellite communications Financial networks Financial networks Air passenger networks YeHow Freight Air passenger networks Air passenger nctworks Analysis examples O'Kelly (1986,1987, 1992a, 1992b); O'Kelly and Miller (1991); Aykin (1988); Aykin and Brown (1992); Klincewicz (1991) Chou (1990); Helme and Magnanti (1989) Aykin (1992,1993); Campbell (1991a, 1991b) Unknown at this timc (4/93) Campbell (1990a, 1990b) Leung et al (1990); Powell and Sheffi (1983) Aykin (1992,1993); Campbcll (1991a, 1991b) Unknown at this time (4/93) Note: "The empirical examples and references are discussed in the text. 38 Journal of Transport Geography /994 Volume 2 Numher /
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