Picturel. Line(oldx, OH(old, ScaleHeight), RGB(255, 0, 0) Picture1 Line(0, oldy)(Scale Width, oldy ), RGb(255, 0,0) End With Picture l CurrentX=oldx-4: Picture 1. CurrentY= oldy +0.5 Picture1 Print o 画x轴的刻度 For xt=-Int(oldx) To Int(old) Step 0.5 If xt < >0 Then st=t *10*p Picture 1. CurrentX= old st-3: Picture l. Current Y= oldy +0.5 Picture Print xt &T Picturel. Line(oldx+ st, oldy -1(old st, oldy ), RGB(255, 0,0) End if Next xt 画y轴的刻度 For yt =-5 To 7 If yt<o Then st=yt*10Picture1.Line (oldx, 0)–(oldx, .ScaleHeight), RGB(255, 0, 0) Picture1.Line (0, oldy)–(.ScaleWidth, oldy), RGB(255, 0, 0) End With Picture1.CurrentX = oldx – 4: Picture1.CurrentY = oldy + 0.5 Picture1.Print 0 ' 画x轴的刻度 For xt = –Int(oldx) To Int(oldx) Step 0.5 If xt <> 0 Then st = xt * 10 * pi Picture1.CurrentX = oldx + st – 3: Picture1.CurrentY = oldy + 0.5 Picture1.Print xt & "π" Picture1.Line (oldx + st, oldy – 1)–(oldx + st, oldy), RGB(255, 0, 0) End If Next xt ' 画y轴的刻度 For yt = –5 To 7 If yt <> 0 Then st = yt * 10
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