Usually the rearrangement was classified by the electron property of the moving group, such as Nucleophilic rearrangement, Electrophilic rearrangement, Radical rearrangement. etc Nucleophilic rearrangement CH3CH2CH2CH2OH、H CH3CH2CH2CH2OH2-H2O CH(HHCH2→CHH2H(CHH CH3CH=CHCH3Usually the rearrangement was classified by the electron property of the moving group, such as Nucleophilic rearrangement, Electrophilic rearrangement, Radical rearrangement, etc. Nucleophilic rearrangement CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2OH H + H2O CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2OH2 CH3 CH2 CHCH2 H CH3 CH2 CH + CH3 H + CH3 CH=CHCH3