Translation Writing 词类转译 5.汉语动词转为英语形容词 EXAMPLE 1)他害怕蜘蛛。 He's afraid of spiders. R 2)热爱科学研究,但对提升职称不感兴趣。 He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. 3)他一点都不清楚自己想过什么样的生活。 He isn't at all clear about what he wants to do with his life.EXAMPLE 词类转译 5.汉语动词转为英语形容词 1) 他害怕蜘蛛。 2) 热爱科学研究,但对提升职称不感兴趣。 3) 他一点都不清楚自己想过什么样的生活。 He’s afraid of spiders. He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. He isn’t at all clear about what he wants to do with his life
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