9. Other Major Olympian Deities Summary 阿瑞斯,古希腊神话中的战神,奥林匹斯十二神之一,被视为尚武精神的化 身。他是宙斯与赫拉唯一一个毫无争议的儿子,尽管奥维德(古罗马诗人,与贺 拉斯、卡图卢斯和维吉尔齐名)宣称,赫拉只是在奥勒诺斯草原上和一朵花碰触 了一下,结果就生下了阿瑞斯。战神阿瑞斯是最招人憎恨的,他被形容为“嗜血 成性的杀人魔王以及有防卫的城堡的征服者”; 赫尔墨斯是宙斯的传旨者和信使。他也被视为行路者的保护神,是商人的庇 护神,雄辩之神。传说他发明了尺、数和字母;他聪明狡猾,又被视为欺骗之术 的创造者,他把诈骗术传给了自己的儿子。他还是七弦琴的发明者,是希腊各种 竞技比赛的庇护神。后来他又与古埃及的智慧神托特混为一体,被认为是魔法的 庇护者,他的魔杖可使神与人入睡,也可使他们从梦中醒来 波塞冬是威严的海王,掌管环绕大陆的所有水域。他用令人战栗的地动山摇 来统治他的王国。他有呼风之术,并且能够掀起或是平息狂暴的大海。手持三叉 戟,他坐在铜蹄金髦马驾的车里掠过海浪。尽管他在奧林匹斯山有一席之地,但 是大部分时间他都住在海洋深处他的灿烂夺目的金色宫殿里; 赫淮斯托斯是位手艺异常髙超的铁匠之神。他又驼又瘸,是众神中最丑陋的。 他是位心地善良的神。赫淮斯托斯的妻子是阿芙洛狄忒,即维纳斯,宙斯觊觎阿 芙洛狄忒美貌,追求被拒,怒而将其嫁个自己的儿孑赫淮斯托斯,但阿芙洛狄忒 却和战神阿瑞斯偷情,为赫淮斯托斯所精制的网所束缚,引来众神围观,结果众 神得出的结论是人人都想成为阿瑞斯。 Selected reading Ares Son of Zeus and Hera, Ares was appointed god of war. He was terrible and majestic, and his march shook the world. Of all the major gods at Olympus, he was the most hateful, loving struggle and war and ever thirsty for blood. On the other hand he signified courage and victory in battle, and was devoutly worshipped by soldiers going to war. Prayers were addressed to him before the war and spoils"presented at his altar after it. He was the one god who ever had to time lack of tact and good judgment led to his shame. He was fighting with two giants, and findi h atch for' the ty monstrous creatures. laid down his arms and was imprisoned in chains. He was set free in the end by the artful Hermes, but not before he had suffered all the humiliations He was as thoughtless as he was unkind. A son of Poseidons, attempting to kidnap his daughter, made the war-god unhappy, so that he killed the youth without35 9. Other Major Olympian Deities Summary 阿瑞斯,古希腊神话中的战神,奥林匹斯十二神之一,被视为尚武精神的化 身。他是宙斯与赫拉唯一一个毫无争议的儿子,尽管奥维德(古罗马诗人,与贺 拉斯、卡图卢斯和维吉尔齐名)宣称,赫拉只是在奥勒诺斯草原上和一朵花碰触 了一下,结果就生下了阿瑞斯。战神阿瑞斯是最招人憎恨的,他被形容为“嗜血 成性的杀人魔王以及有防卫的城堡的征服者”; 赫尔墨斯是宙斯的传旨者和信使。他也被视为行路者的保护神,是商人的庇 护神,雄辩之神。传说他发明了尺、数和字母;他聪明狡猾,又被视为欺骗之术 的创造者,他把诈骗术传给了自己的儿子。他还是七弦琴的发明者,是希腊各种 竞技比赛的庇护神。后来他又与古埃及的智慧神托特混为一体,被认为是魔法的 庇护者,他的魔杖可使神与人入睡,也可使他们从梦中醒来。 波塞冬是威严的海王,掌管环绕大陆的所有水域。他用令人战栗的地动山摇 来统治他的王国。他有呼风之术,并且能够掀起或是平息狂暴的大海。手持三叉 戟,他坐在铜蹄金髦马驾的车里掠过海浪。尽管他在奥林匹斯山有一席之地,但 是大部分时间他都住在海洋深处他的灿烂夺目的金色宫殿里; 赫淮斯托斯是位手艺异常高超的铁匠之神。他又驼又瘸,是众神中最丑陋的。 他是位心地善良的神。赫淮斯托斯的妻子是阿芙洛狄忒,即维纳斯,宙斯觊觎阿 芙洛狄忒美貌,追求被拒,怒而将其嫁个自己的儿子赫淮斯托斯,但阿芙洛狄忒 却和战神阿瑞斯偷情,为赫淮斯托斯所精制的网所束缚,引来众神围观,结果众 神得出的结论是人人都想成为阿瑞斯。 Selected Reading Ares Son of Zeus and Hera, Ares was appointed god of war. He was terrible and majestic1 , and his march2 shook the world. Of all the major gods at Olympus, he was the most hateful, loving struggle and war and ever thirsty for blood .On the other hand he signified3 courage and victory in battle, and was devoutly4 worshipped by soldiers going to war. Prayers were addressed to him before the war and spoils5 presented at his altar after it. He was the one god who ever had to submit6 to the power of his inferiors. At one time lack of tact and good judgment led to his shame. He was fighting with two giants, and finding himself no match for7 the two monstrous creatures, laid down his arms and was imprisoned in chains. He was set free in the end by the artful Hermes, but not before8 he had suffered all the humiliations. He was as thoughtless as he was unkind. A son of Poseidon’s, attempting to kidnap his daughter, made the war-god unhappy, so that he killed the youth without
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