1188 Lif Helgerson et al J Dent Res 90(10)2011 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Kononen E(2000). Development of oral bacterial flora in young children. Ann med32:107-112. The present study was supported by grants from Vasterbotten Kononen E(2005). Anaerobes in the upper respiratory tract in infancy. County Council(TUA/FoU) and The Swedish Patent Revenue Foundation, and by a Public Health Service Grant DE-015847 Li Y, Caufield PW, Dasanayake AP, Wiener HW, Vermund SH(2005). Mode of delivery and other maternal factors influence the acquisition of (AT)from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Streptococcus mutans in infants. J Dent Res 84: 806-811 Research, USA, and by Henning and Johan Throne-Holst's Luoto R, Kalliomaki M, Laitinen K, Delzenne NM, Cani PD, Salminen S, Foundation(PL). Dr. Conny Wikstrom, Umetrics, Sweden, is et al. (2011). Initial dietary and microbiological environments deviate acknowledged for expertise support in PLS-DA. The authors in normal-weight compared to overweight children at 10 years of age. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 52- 90-95 clare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the Mandar R. Mikelsaar M(1996). Transmission of mother 's microflora to the authorship and/or publication of this article newbom at birth Biol Neonate 69: 30-35 Marsh PD (2006). Dental plaque as a biofilm and a microbial community plications for health and disease. BMC Oral Health 6(Suppl REFERENCES Abiko Y, Sato T, Mayanagi G, Takahashi N(2010). Profiling of subgingival Morelli L(2008). Postnatal development of intestinal microflora as influ- plaque biofilm microflora from periodontally healthy subjects and from enced by infant nutrition. J Nutr 138: 1791S-1795S using quantitative real-time PCR. J Olson JC, Cuff CE. Lukomski S, Lukomska E, Canizales Y, Wu B. et al. Periodontal Res 45: 389-395 (2011). Use of 16s ribosomal RNA gene analyses to characterize the Ahme S, Lonnermark E, Wold AE, Aberg N, Hesselmar B, Saalman R, et al bacterial signature associated with poor oral health in West Virginia o (2005). Lactobacilli in the intestinal microbiota of Swedish infants. Paster B), Dewhirst FE(2009). Molecular microbial diagnosis. Periodontol Microbes Infect 7: 1256-1262 200051:38-44 enson AK, Kelly SA, Legge R, Ma F, Low S, Kim J, et al. (2010). Pearce C, Bowden GH, Evans M, Fitzsimmons SP, Johnson J, Sheridan MJ, Individuality in gut microbiota composition is a complex polygenic trait shaped by multiple environmental and host genetic factors. Proc et al.(1995). Identification of pioneer viridans streptococci in the oral Natl dcad Sci US 107: 18933-18938 cavity of human neonates. J Med Microbio/ 42: 67-72. Bylesjo M, Rantalainen M, Cloarec O, Nicholson JK, Holmes E, Trygg J Penders J, Thijs C, Vink C, Stelma FE, Snijders B, Kummeling L, et al (2006). OPLS discriminant analysis: combining the strengths of (2006). Factors influencing the composition of the intestinal microbiota PLS-DA and SIMCA classification. Chemometrics 20: 341-351 in early infancy. Pediatrics 118: 511-5 Colombo AP, Boches SK, Cotton SL, Goodson JM, Kent R, Haffajee AD, et al. Preza D, Olsen l, Aas JA, Willumsen T, Grinde B, Paster BJ(2008). (2009). Comparis subgingival microbial profiles of refractory peri- Bacterial profiles of root caries in elderly patients. J Clin Microbiol 2015-2021 odontitis, severe periodontitis and periodontal health using the Human Oral Preza D, Olsen L, Willumsen T, Boches SK, Cotton SL, Grinde B, et al Microbe Identification Microarray. J Periodontol 80: 1421-1432 Dewhirst FE. Chen T, Paster BJ. Tanner AC. Yu WH, Lakshmanan A, et al. 2009). Microarray analysis of the microflora of root caries in elderl (2010). The human oral microbiome. J Bacteriol 192 Eur Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 28: 509-517. Dominguez-Bello MG, Costello EK, Contreras M, Magris M, Hidalgo G, Sjogren YM. Jenmalm MC, Bottcher MF, Bjorksten B, Sverremark-Ekstrom E(2009). Altered early infant gut microbiota in children developing ture of the initial microbiota across multiple body habitats in newboms. allergy up to 5 years of age. Clin Exp Allergy 39: 518-526 Proc Natl Acad Sci US1 107: 11971-11975 Sjostrom M, Wold S, Soderstrom B(1986). PLS discriminant plots. In: Fallani M, Young D, Scott J, Norin E, Amarri S, Adam R, et al.(2010) Pattern recognition in practice Il. Gelsema ES, Kanal LN, editors Intestinal microbiota of 6-week-old infants across Europe: geographic (p. 486). Elsevier: Amsterdam influence beyond delivery mode, breast-feeding and antibiotics. lanner AC, Milgrom PM, Kent R Jr, Mokeem SA, Page RC, Liao Sl, et al Pediatr Gastroenterol utr 51: 77-84 (2002). Similarity of the oral microbiota of pre-school chil Fanaro S, Chierici R, Guerrini P, Vigi V(2003). Intestinal microflora in at of their caregivers in a population-based study. Oral M边 Pa 91:48-55 Hao WL, Lee YK(2004). Microflora of the gastrointestinal tract: a review Turnbaugh PJ, Hamady M, Yatsunenko T, Cantarel BL, Duncan A, Ley re, Methods Mol Biol 268- 491-502 1.(2009). A core gut microbiome in obese and lean twins. Nature Kim KS Rowlinson MC. Bennion R. Liu C. Talan D. Summanen p. et al. 457:480-484 (2010). Characterization of Slackia exigua isolated from human woun Wold S(1978). Cross validatory estimation of the number of components in fections including abscesses of intestinal origin. J Clin Microbic ctor and principal component models. Technometrics 20(Pt 1) 48:1070-1075 397-4051188 Lif Holgerson et al. J Dent Res 90(10) 2011 Acknowledgments The present study was supported by grants from Västerbotten County Council (TUA/FoU) and The Swedish Patent Revenue Foundation, and by a Public Health Service Grant DE-015847 (AT) from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, USA, and by Henning and Johan Throne-Holst’s Foundation (PL). Dr. Conny Wikström, Umetrics, Sweden, is acknowledged for expertise support in PLS-DA. The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article. References Abiko Y, Sato T, Mayanagi G, Takahashi N (2010). Profiling of subgingival plaque biofilm microflora from periodontally healthy subjects and from subjects with periodontitis using quantitative real-time PCR. J Periodontal Res 45:389-395. Ahrné S, Lönnermark E, Wold AE, Aberg N, Hesselmar B, Saalman R, et al. (2005). Lactobacilli in the intestinal microbiota of Swedish infants. Microbes Infect 7:1256-1262. Benson AK, Kelly SA, Legge R, Ma F, Low SJ, Kim J, et al. (2010). Individuality in gut microbiota composition is a complex polygenic trait shaped by multiple environmental and host genetic factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:18933-18938. Bylesjö M, Rantalainen M, Cloarec O, Nicholson JK, Holmes E, Trygg J (2006). OPLS discriminant analysis: combining the strengths of PLS-DA and SIMCA classification. J Chemometrics 20:341-351. Colombo AP, Boches SK, Cotton SL, Goodson JM, Kent R, Haffajee AD, et al. (2009). Comparisons of subgingival microbial profiles of refractory peri￾odontitis, severe periodontitis and periodontal health using the Human Oral Microbe Identification Microarray. J Periodontol 80:1421-1432. Dewhirst FE, Chen T, Paster BJ, Tanner AC, Yu WH, Lakshmanan A, et al. (2010). The human oral microbiome. J Bacteriol 192:5002-5017. Dominguez-Bello MG, Costello EK, Contreras M, Magris M, Hidalgo G, Fierer N, et al. (2010). Delivery mode shapes the acquisition and struc￾ture of the initial microbiota across multiple body habitats in newborns. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:11971-11975. Fallani M, Young D, Scott J, Norin E, Amarri S, Adam R, et al. (2010). Intestinal microbiota of 6-week-old infants across Europe: geographic influence beyond delivery mode, breast-feeding and antibiotics. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 51:77-84. Fanaro S, Chierici R, Guerrini P, Vigi V (2003). Intestinal microflora in early infancy: composition and development. Acta Paediatr Suppl 91:48-55. Hao WL, Lee YK (2004). Microflora of the gastrointestinal tract: a review. Methods Mol Biol 268:491-502. Kim KS, Rowlinson MC, Bennion R, Liu C, Talan D, Summanen P, et al. (2010). Characterization of Slackia exigua isolated from human wound infections including abscesses of intestinal origin. J Clin Microbiol 48:1070-1075. Könönen E (2000). Development of oral bacterial flora in young children. Ann Med 32:107-112. Könönen E (2005). Anaerobes in the upper respiratory tract in infancy. Anaerobe 11:131-136. Li Y, Caufield PW, Dasanayake AP, Wiener HW, Vermund SH (2005). Mode of delivery and other maternal factors influence the acquisition of Streptococcus mutans in infants. J Dent Res 84:806-811. Luoto R, Kalliomäki M, Laitinen K, Delzenne NM, Cani PD, Salminen S, et al. (2011). Initial dietary and microbiological environments deviate in normal-weight compared to overweight children at 10 years of age. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 52:90-95. Mandar R, Mikelsaar M (1996). Transmission of mother’s microflora to the newborn at birth. Biol Neonate 69:30-35. Marsh PD (2006). Dental plaque as a biofilm and a microbial community – implications for health and disease. BMC Oral Health 6(Suppl 1):S14. Morelli L (2008). Postnatal development of intestinal microflora as influ￾enced by infant nutrition. J Nutr 138:1791S-1795S. Olson JC, Cuff CF, Lukomski S, Lukomska E, Canizales Y, Wu B, et al. (2011). Use of 16S ribosomal RNA gene analyses to characterize the bacterial signature associated with poor oral health in West Virginia. BMC Oral Health 11:7. Paster BJ, Dewhirst FE (2009). Molecular microbial diagnosis. Periodontol 2000 51:38-44. Pearce C, Bowden GH, Evans M, Fitzsimmons SP, Johnson J, Sheridan MJ, et al. (1995). Identification of pioneer viridans streptococci in the oral cavity of human neonates. J Med Microbiol 42:67-72. Penders J, Thijs C, Vink C, Stelma FF, Snijders B, Kummeling I, et al. (2006). Factors influencing the composition of the intestinal microbiota in early infancy. Pediatrics 118:511-521. Preza D, Olsen I, Aas JA, Willumsen T, Grinde B, Paster BJ (2008). Bacterial profiles of root caries in elderly patients. J Clin Microbiol 46:2015-2021. Preza D, Olsen I, Willumsen T, Boches SK, Cotton SL, Grinde B, et al. (2009). Microarray analysis of the microflora of root caries in elderly. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 28:509-517. Sjögren YM, Jenmalm MC, Böttcher MF, Björkstén B, Sverremark-Ekström E (2009). Altered early infant gut microbiota in children developing allergy up to 5 years of age. Clin Exp Allergy 39:518-526. Sjöström M, Wold S, Söderström B (1986). PLS discriminant plots. In: Pattern recognition in practice II. Gelsema ES, Kanal LN, editors (p. 486). Elsevier: Amsterdam. Tanner AC, Milgrom PM, Kent R Jr, Mokeem SA, Page RC, Liao SI, et al. (2002). Similarity of the oral microbiota of pre-school children with that of their caregivers in a population-based study. Oral Microbiol Immunol 17:379-387; erratum in Oral Microbiol Immunol 18:338, 2003. Turnbaugh PJ, Hamady M, Yatsunenko T, Cantarel BL, Duncan A, Ley RE, et al. (2009). A core gut microbiome in obese and lean twins. Nature 457:480-484. Wold S (1978). Cross validatory estimation of the number of components in factor and principal component models. Technometrics 20(Pt 1): 397-405
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