Examples Analysis ■从秦代到清末的二千一百多年间,哈雷彗星出 现二十七次,中国都有记录。 ■ In the 2100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing dynasty,Halley Comet appeared 27 times and they were all recorded in China. In the 2100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty,the 27 appearances of Halley Comet were all recorded in ChinaExamples Analysis ◼ 从秦代到清末的二千一百多年间,哈雷彗星出 现二十七次,中国都有记录。 ◼ In the 2100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, Halley Comet appeared 27 times and they were all recorded in China. ◼ In the 2100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, the 27 appearances of Halley Comet were all recorded in China