But they don't like (2). Some of them only watch them 3TV. What's more( TR), many of them only like watching TV and (4 computer games. They often say,"Play soccer? Oh it sounds (5). Play basketball? Oh, it sounds difficult, And many boys and girls don't like(6). they don,'t have carrots for (7)and they dont have fruits for dinner. But vegetables and fruits are (8 )food. They need to eat lots of them () they like junk food(垃圾食品).They e (10)French fries, hamburgers, fast food So if(A )you want to be healthy, eat vegetables and play sports every day L.A. their B. her C. his 2. A play sport B. playing sport C. playing sports 3. A in b. on C. at 4. A player B. play C. playing 5. A interesting B. boring C. fun 6. A. meat b. vegetables C. fruits 7. A drink b. dinner C. lunch 8. A healthy B. health C. first 9. A And b. So c. but 10. A doing B. eating C. watchingBut they don't like________(2) . Some of them only watch them________(3)TV. What's more(而且),many of them only like watching TV and ________(4)computer games. They often say,“Play soccer?Oh,it sounds________(5).Play basketball? Oh,it sounds difficult.” And many boys and girls don't like________(6).they don't have carrots for________(7)and they don't have fruits for dinner. But vegetables and fruits are________(8)food. They need to eat lots of them every day.________(9)they like junk food( 垃 圾 食 品 ) . They like________(10)French fries,hamburgers,fast food... So if(如果) you want to be healthy,eat vegetables and play sports every day![来源:学。科。网] 1. A. their B.her C.his 2.A. play sport B.playing sportC.playing sports 3.A.in B.on C.at 4.A. player B.play C.playing 5.A. interesting B.boringC.fun 6.A. meat B.vegetables C.fruits 7.A. drink B.dinner C.lunch 8.A. healthy B.healthC.first 9.A. And B.So C.But 10.A. doing B.eatingC.watching
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