六、操作程序 Procedure &备物Gather equipment :不需要戴无菌手套Don non-sterile gloves f 查对、评估、解释Explain the procedure to the patient and show equipment :如果可能,采取患者坐位(抬高床头30度至45度) If possible,sit patient upright for optimal neck/stomach alignment :检查并清洁鼻腔,铺治疗巾,置弯盘于近下颌处 Examine nostrils for deformity/obstructions to determine best side for insertion⇣ 备物 Gather equipment. ⇣ 不需要戴无菌手套 Don non-sterile gloves ⇣ 查对、评估、解释 Explain the procedure to the patient and show equipment ⇣ 如果可能,采取患者坐位(抬高床头30度至45度) If possible, sit patient upright for optimal neck/stomach alignment ⇣ 检查并清洁鼻腔,铺治疗巾,置弯盘亍近下颌处 Examine nostrils for deformity/obstructions to determine best side for insertion Procedure 六、操作程序
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