人教版九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unit2 Section a grammar focus- Section b le 参考答案 l. a good time to visit hong Kong 2. one. the other 3. Father's Day 4. on the second sunday of may 5. take them out for dinner 6. more and more popular 7.dress up as ghosts 8. ask for candies 9. play a joke/trick on sb 0. on October 3 1st 二、1-5. ACCBD6—10. BCADA11—15 BBCCB 三、1-5. DCBBA 四、1 candies 3. treating 4. ghosts 五、1 haunted 2. neighborhood 3. dressed 4. means 5. most popul 1. the first 5 6 was beating 7. carefully 8To 9 10. What 7/7人教版九年级英语全册同步练习题:Unit 2Section A Grammar Focus-Section B 1e 7 / 7 参考答案 一、1.a good time to visit Hong Kong 2.one...the other... 3.Father's Day 4.on the second Sunday of May 5.take them out for dinner 6.more and more popular 7.dress up as ghosts 8.ask for candies 9.play a joke/trick on sb. 10.on October 31st 二、1—5.ACCBD 6—10.BCADA 11—15.BBCCB 三、1—5.DCBBA 四、1.candies 2.spiders 3.treating 4.ghosts 5.tricks 五、1.haunted 2.neighborhood 3.dressed 4.means 5.most popular 六、1.the first 2.brought 3.to make 4.but 5.an 6.was beating 7.carefully 8.To 9.myself 10.What
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