444 Chilled foods 15.4.5 Quality policy It is important that the chief executive writes a quality policy for the company This can be anything from a relatively simple statement to something more omplex. At its simplest it states that the company is dedicated to meeting customer requirements. If it is the intention to work to a recognised quality system, then a statement to the effect that the company wishes to comply with the requirement of, for example, Iso 9002 should also be included. However other statements about business culture and objectives can also be included. For xample, employee welfare, environmental policies, position in market place and so on, can all be considered. It is best not to make the policy too lengthy or complex 15.4. 6 Briefing It is the steering groups responsibility to initiate and co-ordinate briefings throughout the project. During the initial phases, this would be an announcement (from the chief executive)about TQM or ISo 9000 explaining what it is and the reasons for pursuing the course of action. Such briefing should be to all employees, but would be more detailed for some depending on the level of involvement envisaged. Also the substance of the briefing will depend on the seniority of the audience It is best to keep the briefings short and to the point ini y, more detailed raining can follow later. A big " launch package with trumpets blaring is not the best course. Small and informed focusing on the facts, the importance of the initiative and not underestimating the amount of work involved will get the message home. The seniority of the person carrying out the briefing speaks volumes about the importance of the mission 15.4.7 Structure of the quality system It is essential that the structure of the quality system is agreed at an early This is best embodied in the documentation there should be three levels documentation, although for a small company this may be kept under one The three levels are 1. policies 2. procedure 3. work instructions Policies should be used to state the company's intent with respect to key elements of the system, e.g. policies with respect to purchasing arrangements or staff trainir Procedures will form the bulk of the system and will provide the detailed instructions as to how principle operations are carried out. These form the bible from which the company will be expected to operate and will audited)against15.4.5 Quality policy It is important that the chief executive writes a quality policy for the company. This can be anything from a relatively simple statement to something more complex. At its simplest it states that the company is dedicated to meeting customer requirements. If it is the intention to work to a recognised quality system, then a statement to the effect that the company wishes to comply with the requirement of, for example, ISO 9002 should also be included. However, other statements about business culture and objectives can also be included. For example, employee welfare, environmental policies, position in market place and so on, can all be considered. It is best not to make the policy too lengthy or complex. 15.4.6 Briefing It is the steering group’s responsibility to initiate and co-ordinate briefings throughout the project. During the initial phases, this would be an announcement (from the chief executive) about TQM or ISO 9000 explaining what it is and the reasons for pursuing the course of action. Such briefing should be to all employees, but would be more detailed for some depending on the level of involvement envisaged. Also the substance of the briefing will depend on the seniority of the audience. It is best to keep the briefings short and to the point initially; more detailed training can follow later. A big ‘launch’ package with trumpets blaring is not the best course. Small and informed focusing on the facts, the importance of the initiative and not underestimating the amount of work involved will get the message home. The seniority of the person carrying out the briefing speaks volumes about the importance of the mission. 15.4.7 Structure of the quality system It is essential that the structure of the quality system is agreed at an early stage. This is best embodied in the documentation. There should be three levels to the documentation, although for a small company this may be kept under one cover. The three levels are: 1. policies 2. procedures 3. work instructions. Policies should be used to state the company’s intent with respect to key elements of the system, e.g. policies with respect to purchasing arrangements or staff training. Procedures will form the bulk of the system and will provide the detailed instructions as to how principle operations are carried out. These form the bible from which the company will be expected to operate and will be judged (audited) against. 444 Chilled foods
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