Morphology 65 TABLE 19.Effect of Thermal History on Mechanical Properties of Unoriented PPS Film [135] Molding Condition Quick Quenched Quick Quenched2 Slow Cooled Annealed at200°C no yes no Density,g/cm 1.309 1.346 1.351 %crystallinity a 0 32 37 Tensile modulus,MPa 1926 2574 2709 Tensile break,MPa 44.5 80.7 51.3 Elongation at break,% 20.0 4.8 3.4 Tensile yield,MPa 63.6 …▣ Elongation at yield,% 5.0 , a.=1.31 g/cm'=density of100%amorphous PPS. Pe=1.43 g/cm'=theoretical density of 100%crystalline PPS (from unit cell parameters). unannealed 2 annealed at200°C TABLE 20.Effect of Annealing on Mechanical Properties of Ryton-PPS/Carbon Fiber Unidirectional Laminates [135] Morphology Property Unannealed1 Annealed2 Longitudinal tensile modulus,GPa(Msi) 131 (19.0) 135(19.6) Longitudinal tensile strength,MPa (ksi) 1490(216) 1641(238) Transverse tensile modulus,GPa(Msi) 9.0(1.3) 9.0(1.3) Transverse tensile strength,MPa (ksi) 36.6(5.3) 31.7(4.6) Longitudinal flexural modulus,GPa(Msi) 118(17.1) 121(17.6) Longitudinal flexural strength,MPa (ksi) 1083(157) 1290(187) Transverse flexural modulus,GPa(Msi) 7.6(1.1) 9.0(1.3) Transverse flexural strength,MPa (ksi) 56.6(8.2) 53.1(7.7 Longitudinal compressive strength,MPa(ksi) 338(49) 559(81) Transverse compressive strength,MPa(ksi) 103(15) 124(18) Short beam shear strength,MPa(ksi) 69(10) Gi,kJ/m"(in.Ib/in.) 0.8(4.4) 0.6(3.4)b Prepreg contains 68+2%by weight carbon fiber. values as high as 1.3 kJ/m2(7.8 in.Ib/in.2)have been obtained by film stacking. IQuenched specimens in the amorphous state. 235%degree of crystallinity,annealed after quenching.Morphology 65 TABLE 19. Effect of Thermal History on Mechanical Properties of Unoriented PPS Film [135] Molding Condition Quick Quenched ’ Quick Quenched’ Slow Cooled . Annealed at 200°C no Density, g/cm’ 1.309 % crystallinity a 0 Tensile modulus, MPa 1926 Tensile break. MPa 44.5 Elongation at break, 8 20.0 Tensile yield, MPa 63.6 Elongation at yield, % 5.0 yes no 1.346 1.351 32 31 - 2574 2709 80.7 51.3 4.8 3.4 . . . . . . . . * . . a pa = 1.31 g/cm’ = density of,lOO% amorphous PPS. pc = 1.43 g/cm’ = theoretical density of 100% crystalline PPS (from unit cell parameters). ‘unannealed 2annealed at 200°C TABLE 20. Effect of Annealing on Mechanical Properties of Ryton-PPS/Carbon Fibera Unidirectional Laminates [135] Morphology Property Unannealed’ Annealed ’ Longitudinal tensile modulus, GPa (Msi) Longitudinal tensile strength, MPa (ksi) Transverse tensile modulus, GPa (Msi) Transverse tensile strength, MPa (ksi) Longitudinal flexural modulus, GPa (Msi) LongiNdinal flexural strength, MPa (ksi) Transverse flexural modulus, GPa (Msi) Transverse flexural strength, MPa (ksi) LongiNdinal compressive strength, MPa (ksi) Transverse compressive strength, MPa (ksi) Short beam shear strength, MPa (ksi) Gt,. kJ/m’ (in. - lb/in.*) 131 (19.0) 135 (i9.6) 1490 (216) 1641 (238) 9.0 (1.3) 9.0 (1.3) 36.6 (5.3) 31.7 (4.6) 118 (17.1) 121 (17.6) 1083 (157) 1290 (187) 7.6.(1.1) 9.0 (1.3) 56.6 (8.2) 53.1 (7.7) 338 (49) 559 (81) 103 (15) 124 (18) 69 (10) . . . 0.8 (4.4) 0.6 (3.4) b ‘Prepreg contains 68f2% by weight carbon fiber. bValues as high as 1.3 kJ/m2 (7.8 iu..lb/in.2) have been obtained by film stacking. ‘Q uenched specimens in the amorphous state. 2-35% degree of crystallinity, annealed after quenching
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