Section A Listen to four people talking about the most successful person they know.Complete the chart. Successful person who why speaker1 mum excellently bringing up 3 children Speaker2 someone with overcoming physical difficulty of arthritis; physical disabilities not allowing the difficulty to hold her back Speaker3 Mable Davies,a Working her way up to be a headmistress deaflady Speaker4 Kenneth Branagh, getting an enormous amount of energy; an actor a very good self-publicistSection A Listen to four people talking about the most successful person they know. Complete the chart. Successful person who why speaker1 mum excellently bringing up 3 children Speaker2 someone with physical disabilities overcoming physical difficulty of arthritis; not allowing the difficulty to hold her back Speaker3 Mable Davies, a deaf lady Working her way up to be a headmistress Speaker4 Kenneth Branagh, an actor getting an enormous amount of energy; a very good self-publicist
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