8 port n.端口 V.转出,移出 An inter face through which data is transferred between a computer and other devices( such as a printer, keyboard or mouse), a network, or a direct connection to another computer种接口,数据通过它可以在计算机和其他 设备之间、网络之间或者其他直接相连的计算机之间 进行传输。 To change a program in order to be able to run it on a different computer改变一个程序,使之能在不同的计算 机上运行21 8. port n. 端口 v. 转出,移出 An interface through which data is transferred between a computer and other devices(such as a printer, keyboard or mouse),a network, or a direct connection to another computer.一种接口,数据通过它可以在计算机和其他 设备之间、网络之间或者其他直接相连的计算机之间 进行传输。 To change a program in order to be able to run it on a different computer.改变一个程序,使之能在不同的计算 机上运行
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