Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Back · shallow reach for pull up emotion feel for p privilege turn toward Proper Names episode association · bend to ·Mrs. Clark Phrases and make an attempt to Expressions do sth the pit of go about the stomach doing sth to hang around sth provide for sth so that pick sb. up• palm • injure • outline • pillow • rainbow • butterfly • hint • reader • ounce • being • interval • blank • faint • pulse • straw • moisture • slide • thirst • liquid • naked • gown • famine • lid • jar • graceful • chart • preceding • decay • vinegar • pit • skeleton • loose • loosely • secure • fluid • drip • pull up Proper Names • Mrs. Clark • reach for • feel for • turn toward (s) • bend to • make an attempt to do sth. • go about doing sth. • provide for sth. • pick sb. up • shallow • emotion • privilege • episode • association Phrases and Expressions • the pit of the stomach • to hang around sth. • so that Back .Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It
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