Listen and See 1 2-1-1 Architect talking about minimalist cabins in the wilderness that uncomplicate peoples (from CNn video ttp: //edition. cnn. com/videos/ architecture/2015/ o 1. Play the video 2. Ask students to repeat what they heard from the o 3. Ask students to talk in pairs about the following believe that the places people live e in can have an influence on their lifestyles and mindsets? Talk about your own dream place to stay atListen and See 1 ◦ 2-1-1 Architect talking about minimalist cabins in the wilderness that uncomplicate people’s lives ◦ (from CNN video. http://edition.cnn.com/videos/architecture/2015/ 12/09/minimalism-in-the-wilderness-style.cnn) ◦ 1. Play the video; ◦ 2. Ask students to repeat what they heard from the video; ◦ 3. Ask students to talk in pairs about the following topic: Do you believe that the places people live in can have an influence on their lifestyles and mindsets? Talk about your own dream place to stay at
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