89.5 Arrhenius equation 9.59E. on reaction rate 9.5.10 Temperature on reaction rate Half-life of first-order reaction witl different activation energy E/ 72>71 80100120 kJ- mol-l 1/2 2×105s0066s56h116d687y E ranges between 40 400 kJ mol-1 EE For first-order reaction when e increases by What about the fraction of activated 4 kJ mol- k decreases by 80% molecule increases ea <80 KJ mol-I: fast reactions Problem: Can your find another way to E>100 kJ mol-I slow reactions increase the fraction of activated moleculesHalf-life of first-order reaction with different activation energy 9.5.9 Ea on reaction rate Ea / kJmol-1 40 60 80 100 120 t1/2 210-5 s 0.066 s 5.6 h 11.6 d 68.7 y Ea ranges between 40 ~ 400 kJ mol-1 . For first-order reaction, when Ea increases by 4 kJ mol-1 , k decreases by 80%. Ea < 80 kJ mol-1 : fast reactions Ea > 100 kJ mol-1 : slow reactions §9.5 Arrhenius equation Ea,1 T1 T2 Ea,2 9.5.10 Temperature on reaction rate T2 > T1 What about the fraction of activated molecule increases? Problem: Can your find another way to increase the fraction of activated molecules?
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