1. How can electric companies pred ict possible outage at a location? By tracking the status of hard ware, it may be possible to identify issues or clusters of issues that statistically may predict outages 2. What is customer sentiment analysis? Customer sentiment analysis categorizes and evaluates customer opinion by types of emotion 3. How does customer sentiment analysis help companies provide a personalized service to their customers? By understand ing customer sentiment, the company is able to customize communications to customers ANSWERS TO END OF CHAPTER QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Survey the literature from the past six months to find one application each of Dss, I, and analytics. Summarize the applications on one page and submit it with the exact sources There is no single correct answer to this question. Answers will depend on when the question is posed and on the student s online or library search strategy. The correctness of an answer can be evaluated by examining the sources cited in it submitted with it 2. Distinguish BI from DSS Bi uses a data warehouse, whereas dss can use any data source(includ ing a data warehouse) Most Dss are built to support decision making directly, whereas most BI stems are built to provide information which it is believed will lead to improved decision making bi has a strategy/executive orientation whereas dSs are usually oriented BI systems tend to be developed with commercially available tools, whereas DSS tend to use more custom programming to deal with problems that may be unstructured Copyright C2018 Pearson Education, Inc.15 Copyright © 2018Pearson Education, Inc. 1. How can electric companies predict possible outage at a location? By tracking the status of hardware, it may be possible to identify issues or clusters of issues that statistically may predict outages. 2. What is customer sentiment analysis? Customer sentiment analysis categorizes and evaluates customer opinion by types of emotion. 3. How does customer sentiment analysis help companies provide a personalized service to their customers? By understanding customer sentiment, the company is able to customize communications to customers. ANSWERS TO END OF CHAPTER QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Survey the literature from the past six months to find one application each of DSS, BI, and analytics. Summarize the applications on one page and submit it with the exact sources. There is no single correct answer to this question. Answers will depend on when the question is posed and on the student’s online or library search strategy. The correctness of an answer can be evaluated by examining the sources cited in it or submitted with it. 2. Distinguish BI from DSS. • BI uses a data warehouse, whereas DSS can use any data source (including a data warehouse). • Most DSS are built to support decision making directly, whereas most BI systems are built to provide information which it is believed will lead to improved decision making. • BI has a strategy/executive orientation whereas DSS are usually oriented toward analysts. • BI systems tend to be developed with commercially available tools, whereas DSS tend to use more custom programming to deal with problems that may be unstructured
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