Brondo Year in Review Public Anthropology 217 Igoe, Noor Johnson, Ted Maclin, Irma McClaurin, Bill McKinney, Crate. Susan and Mark Nutta Laura McNamara, Anthony Oliver-Smith, Marty Otanez, Adrienne 2009 Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters Pine. Bob pokrant suzanne schneider and elizabeth tunstall for Action. Walnut Creek. CA: Left Coast haring their work or that of their colleagues, and Daniel Vacanti for Gonzalez, Roberto J his excellent editorial guidance on tone and content. Finally, I am 2009 American Counterinsurgency: Human Science and the Hu specially grateful for Barbara Rose Johnston's patient mentorship man Terrain? Chicago: University of Chicago through the writing and editing process and her overall inspiration Gonzalez, Roberto J and Hugh Gusterson and dedication to the burgeoning field of public anthropology 009 Taking the Next Step: Why We Should Continue Strength- ning the AAA Ethics Code. Anthropology News 50(6) Gusterson, Hugh REFERENCES CITED 2009a Empire of Bases. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists American Anthropological Association(AAA March18,2009.http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/ 2009 Congressional Black Caucus Calls on AAA Ex columnists/hugh-gusterson/empire-of-bases, accessed Jan- perts.http://www.aaanet.org/issues/policy-advocacy/aaa- 3.2010 members-talk-about-race-on-capitol-hill, cfm, accessed J 009b Why Thomas Friedman Is Wrong about the National Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, April 27, 200 Atran. Scott http://www.thebulletin,org/web-edition/columnists/hugh 2009 To Beat Al Queda, Look to the East. New York Times gusterson/why-thomas-friedman-wrong-about-the-national- December12.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/13/ ignition-facility, accessed January 3, 2010 opinion/13atran. html, accessed January 17, 2010 Himmelgreen, David, ed Bell, Joshua 2009 The Global Food Crisis: New Insights into an Age-Old 2009 Recovering Voices: A New Smithsonian Initiative. Anthro- Problem. NAPA Bulletin 32(1) pology News 50(8): 45 Ho. Karen Bourgois, Philippe, and Jeff Schonberg 2009 Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street. Durham, NC 2009 Righted nd. Berkeley: University of California Duke u Jacobs, Jordan Button, Gregory 2009 Repatriation and the Reconstruction of Identity. Museum 2009a The Search for Environmental Justice in Perry County, Anthropology 32(2): 75-90 Alabama, Counterpunch, July 16, 2009 Www Johnston, Barbara Rose counterpunch. org/button07162009. html, accessed January 2008 From the Associate Editor for Practicing Anthropology 2,2010. American Anthropologist 110(2): 172 2009b The TVA Ash Spill One Year Later: Lessons 2009a Water Culture Wars. Counterpunch, March 27-29 Learned.CounterpunchDecember16,2009.http://www http://www.counterpunch.org/johnston03272009.html rg/button12162009 h cessed January accessed January 3, 2010 3,2010. 2009b War, Peace and the Obamajority. Counterpunch Checker. melissa October19.http://www.counterpunch.org/johnston 2009a Anthropology in the Public Sphere, 2008: Emerging 10192009. html, accessed January 13, 2010 Trends and Significant Impacts. American Anthropologist King. t 111(2):162-169 2009 Our Unprotected Heritage: Whitewashing the Destruction 009b Staten Island's Toxic Stew. Gotham Gazette, May of Our Cultural and Natural Environment. Walnut Creel 26,2009.http://www.gothamgazette.com/print/2923,ac CA: Left Coast Kiviat. Barbara 2009cCounterpunch,September9,2009.http://www 2009 An Anthropologist on What's Wrong with Wall Street terpunch. org/checker09092009. html, accessed Jar TimeMagazineJuly22.http://www.time.com/tim 3,2010 business/article/0, 8599, 1912085,00. html, accessed January Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Chip 16.2010 2009 Reconciling American Archaeology and Native America Lassiter. Luke eric Daedalus138(2):94-104 2009 Collaborative Anthropologists, vol. 2: Collaborative Ar- mmission on the Engagement of Anthropology with U.S. Military apologies. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press and Intelligence Communities( CEAUSSIC) Lawless. Robert 2009 CEAUSSIC Final Report on The Army's Human Terrain Sy 2009 Empires and the Sullying of Anthropology. Coun- em Proof of Concept Program Submitted to the Executive terpunch,November6-8.http://www.count Board of the American Anthropological Association, Octo- ber14,2009.http://www.aaanet.org/cmtes/commissions/ Lutz. Catherine ceaussic/upload/ceaussic-hts_final_report. pdf, accessed Jan- 2009 Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle against U. S Military uary3,2010 Posts. New York: New York University PressBrondo • Year in Review: Public Anthropology 217 Igoe, Noor Johnson, Ted Maclin, Irma McClaurin, Bill McKinney, Laura McNamara, Anthony Oliver-Smith, Marty Otanez, Adrienne ˜ Pine, Bob Pokrant, Suzanne Schneider, and Elizabeth Tunstall for sharing their work or that of their colleagues, and Daniel Vacanti for his excellent editorial guidance on tone and content. Finally, I am especially grateful for Barbara Rose Johnston’s patient mentorship through the writing and editing process and her overall inspiration and dedication to the burgeoning field of public anthropology. REFERENCES CITED American Anthropological Association (AAA) 2009 Congressional Black Caucus Calls on AAA Ex￾perts. http://www.aaanet.org/issues/policy-advocacy/aaa￾members-talk-about-race-on-capitol-hill.cfm, accessed Jan￾uary 6, 2010. Atran, Scott 2009 To Beat Al Queda, Look to the East. New York Times, December 12. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/13/ opinion/13atran.html, accessed January 17, 2010. Bell, Joshua 2009 Recovering Voices: A New Smithsonian Initiative. Anthro￾pology News 50(8):45. Bourgois, Philippe, and Jeff Schonberg 2009 Righteous Dopefiend. Berkeley: University of California Press. Button, Gregory 2009a The Search for Environmental Justice in Perry County, Alabama. Counterpunch, July 16, 2009. http://www. counterpunch.org/button07162009.html, accessed January 12, 2010. 2009b The TVA Ash Spill One Year Later: Lessons Learned. Counterpunch, December 16, 2009. http://www. counterpunch.org/button12162009.html, accessed January 3, 2010. Checker, Melissa 2009a Anthropology in the Public Sphere, 2008: Emerging Trends and Significant Impacts. American Anthropologist 111(2):162–169. 2009b Staten Island’s Toxic Stew. Gotham Gazette, May 26, 2009. http://www.gothamgazette.com/print/2923, ac￾cessed January 3, 2010. 2009c Counterpunch, September 9, 2009. http://www. counterpunch.org/checker09092009.html, accessed January 3, 2010. Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Chip 2009 Reconciling American Archaeology and Native America. Daedalus 138(2):94–104. Commission onthe Engagement of AnthropologywithU.S. Military and Intelligence Communities (CEAUSSIC) 2009 CEAUSSIC Final Report on The Army’s Human Terrain Sys￾tem Proof of Concept Program. Submitted to the Executive Board of the American Anthropological Association, Octo￾ber 14, 2009. http://www.aaanet.org/cmtes/commissions/ ceaussic/upload/ceaussic_hts_final_report.pdf, accessed Jan￾uary 3, 2010. Crate, Susan, and Mark Nuttal 2009 Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Action. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast. Gonzalez, Roberto J. ´ 2009 American Counterinsurgency: Human Science and the Hu￾man Terrain? Chicago: University of Chicago. Gonzalez, Roberto J., and Hugh Gusterson ´ 2009 Taking the Next Step: Why We Should Continue Strength￾ening the AAA Ethics Code. Anthropology News 50(6):4. Gusterson, Hugh 2009a Empire of Bases. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, March 18, 2009. http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/ columnists/hugh-gusterson/empire-of-bases, accessed Jan￾uary 3, 2010. 2009b Why Thomas Friedman Is Wrong about the National Ignition Facility. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, April 27, 2009. http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/columnists/hugh￾gusterson/why-thomas-friedman-wrong-about-the-national￾ignition-facility, accessed January 3, 2010. Himmelgreen, David, ed. 2009 The Global Food Crisis: New Insights into an Age-Old Problem. NAPA Bulletin 32(1). Ho, Karen 2009 Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Jacobs, Jordan 2009 Repatriation and the Reconstruction of Identity. Museum Anthropology 32(2):75–90. Johnston, Barbara Rose 2008 From the Associate Editor for Practicing Anthropology. American Anthropologist 110(2):172. 2009a Water Culture Wars. Counterpunch, March 27–29. http://www.counterpunch.org/johnston03272009.html, accessed January 3, 2010. 2009b War, Peace and the Obamajority. Counterpunch, October 19. http://www.counterpunch.org/johnston 10192009.html, accessed January 13, 2010. King, Tom 2009 Our Unprotected Heritage: Whitewashing the Destruction of Our Cultural and Natural Environment. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast. Kiviat, Barbara 2009 An Anthropologist on What’s Wrong with Wall Street. Time Magazine, July 22. http://www.time.com/time/ business/article/0,8599,1912085,00.html, accessed January 16, 2010. Lassiter, Luke Eric, ed. 2009 Collaborative Anthropologists, vol. 2: Collaborative Ar￾chaeologies. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Lawless, Robert 2009 Empires and the Sullying of Anthropology. Coun￾terpunch, November 6–8. http://www.counterpunch.org/ lawless11062009.html, accessed January 3, 2010. Lutz, Catherine 2009 Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle against U.S. Military Posts. New York: New York University Press
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