323. The production of tim ore in the United States is relatively insign ificant, .... less than one hundred tons A)amounting to B)in the amount C)amounts to it D)to the amount of 324. Earlier or later, all lakes are influenced by eutrophication, a process in which lake sediment lowers the depth of the water and drains oxygen from it 325. Jekyll island has been one of Georgia's state parks in 1954 326. Bells are frequently made from bronze, an alloy of approximately three part copper and one partin 327 A logarithm is…… in algebra as an exponent. A)known what B )known what it is C)what is known D)what it is known 328 Negotiable instruments such as personal checks may ordinarily be transferred to another people by endorsement 329. Scientists and economists believe that human beings can never use away all the mineral resources on Earth 330. Idaho ranks first among the states in potatoes production 331. The decay of a muon is anexample of an weak interaction between atomicparticles. 332. Avillage or tribe of the North American Indian confederacy had its annual green corn dance, a festival in which social ties were renewed 333. Pipel ines are continually inspected for leaks and for damage caused by such conditions as freezing temperatures. heavy rain and soil erode 334 Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads them woven or knit into fabrics 335. Not only in the field of psychology but animal behavior is exam ined as well. A)human behavior is studied B)is human behavior studied C)is studied human behavior D)human behavior 336. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industry like Answer.323(A)324(A)325D)326D)327D)328C)329.C)330D)331C)332(A)333(D)334①D)335(B)336.D) 337. The weaving design was then em bellished with a series of small chained diamond or vertical and zigzag lines. 338. Aside from the resolution to have more ecumenical conferences, the most accomplishment of the group was that it me 339. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually far more than they would expect 340. The more Robert tried to please his mother through mere flattery, the greater he succeeded in_annoy ing her 341. Do you know that the population of washington D. C. is about as many asthat of Minneapolis? 342. Most William Faulkner's novels deal with the universal problems of evil as represented by family disintegration and degeneration 343. Genera lly speaking, tax returns must be filed annually, but in few cases they must be subm itted every six months 344. A question often posed about journalism is"How much freedom should reporters have interpreting any given news item? 346. Within the Alamo were one hundred and eighty men, more than two thirds of them had recently migrated from near-by states 347. Every one of the boys here yesterday has a bicyc was C)who was D) who were 348. The building opposite to the bank is amor w higher ones that ha p during the last few y Answer.337C)338.B)339(C)340.(C)341.(C)342()343C)344.()345(A)346(B)347(C)348(C) 349. No custom, belief, or action can be fully understood away its social or cultural context 350. The Alexandria Gazette, published daily since 1797, is the oldest regularly published newspapers in the United States 351. Diamond is the hardest substance known, whereas graphite, another carbon allotrope, is A)the softest one of B)softest of the one C)the one of the softest D)one of the softest B)divide C)be dividing D) to be divided smaller states 352. Texas is the only state whose constitution permits it A)divides 353. Unlike ordinary light sources, a laser sends out a narrow beam of light on only, one direction 354. A thorough study of mythology requires familiarity, for the properties of plants and trees, and the habits of wild birds and beasts 355 Seismology has not reached yet the stage where earthquakes can be foretold with a great dealof 356. Until the ninth century, written words were not actually separated In some literary writing, dots or points were used to indicate divisions A)in spite of B)contrary C)contrast to D)but 357. Med ical research indicates but large amounts of histam ines can be responsible for colds, hay fever and other respiratory reactions 358. Precisely because photographs are produced by mechanical devices, a camera's images now seem te some artists the perfect means for expression the modem era 359. The Swiss admit to running work camps for refugees during the war, but deny whether they were323. The production of tim ore in the United States is relatively insignificant, ............. less than one hundred tons annually. A) amounting to B) in the amount C) amounts to it D) to the amount of 324. Earlier or later, all lakes are influenced by eutrophication, a process in which lake sediment lowers the depth of the water and drains oxygen from it. 325. Jekyll island has been one of Georgia's state parksin 1954. 326. Bells are frequently made from bronze, an alloy of approximately three part copper and one partin. 327. A logarithm is ........ in algebra as an exponent. A)known what B)known what it is C)what is known D)what it is known 328. Negotiable instruments such as personal checks may ordinarily be transferred to another people by endorsement. 329. Scientists and economists believe that human beings can never use away all the mineral resources on Earth. 330. Idaho ranksfirst among the states in potatoes production. 331. The decay of a muon is an example of an weak interaction between atomic particles. 332. All village or tribe of the North American Indian confederacy had its annual green corn dance, a festival in which social ties were renewed. 333. Pipelines are continually inspected for leaks and for damage caused by such conditions as freezing temperatures, heavy rain, and soil erode. 334. Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads, them woven or knit into fabrics. 335. Not only ................. in the field of psychology but animal behavior is examined as well. A) human behavior is studied B) is human behavior studied C) is studied human behavior D) human behavior 336. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industry like. A B C D Answer.323.(A) 324.(A) 325.(D) 326.(D) 327.(D) 328.(C) 329.(C) 330.(D) 331.(C) 332.(A) 333.(D) 334.(D) 335.(B) 336.(D) 337. The weaving design was then embellished with a series of small chained diamond or vertical and zigzag lines. 338. Aside from the resolution to have more ecumenical conferences, the most accomplishment of the group was that it met at all. 339. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually far more than they would expect. 340. The more Robert tried to please his mother through mere flattery, the greater he succeeded in annoying her. 341. Do you know that the population of washington D.C. is about as many asthat of Minneapolis? 342. Most William Faulkner's novels deal with the universal problems of evil as represented by family disintegration and degeneration. 343. Generally speaking, tax returns must be filed annually, but in few casesthey must be submitted every six months. 344. A question often posed about journalism is "How much freedom should reporters have interpreting any given news item?" 345. An analytical index group many individualsubtopics under major subject headings. 346. Within the Alamo were one hundred and eighty men, more than two thirds of them had recently migrated from near-by states. 347. Every one of the boys ............. here yesterday has a bicycle. A) was B) were C) who was D) who were 348. The building opposite to the bank is among the few higher ones that has been put up during the last few years. Answer.337.(C) 338.(B) 339.(C) 340.(C) 341.(C) 342.( ) 343.(C) 344.( ) 345.(A) 346.(B) 347.(C) 348.(C) 349. No custom, belief, or action can be fully understood away its social or cultural context. 350. The Alexandria Gazette, published daily since 1797, is the oldest regularly published newspapersin the United States. 351. Diamond is the hardest substance known, whereas graphite, another carbon allotrope, is.............. . A) the softest one of B) softest of the one C) the one of the softest D) one of the softest 352. Texas is the only state whose constitution permits it ............. into smaller states. A) divides B) divide C) be dividing D) to be divided 353. Unlike ordinary light sources, a laser sends out a narrow beam of light on only one direction. 354. A thorough study of mythology requires familiarity for the properties of plants and trees, and the habits of wild birds and beasts. 355.Seismology has not reached yet the stage where earthquakes can be foretold with a great deal of accuracy. 356. Until the ninth century, written words were not actually separated, .............. in some literary writing, dots or points were used to indicate divisions. A)in spite of B) contrary C) contrast to D) but 357.Medical research indicates but large amounts of histamines can be responsible for colds, hay fever, and other respiratory reactions. 358.Precisely because photographs are produced by mechanical devices, a camera's images now seem to some artists the perfect means for expression the modern era. 359.The Swiss admit to running work camps for refugees during the war, but deny whether they were
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