Tape script: Conversationl A:Excuse me.Can you tell me where the nearest bank is? B:The nearest bank.Yeah,the closest one is on Washington Street. A:Where's that? B:Okay,go left.At the comer,tum right,and go straight for thre blocks.You'll see the bank.I think it's the Town and Countr Bank,on the left. A:So at the corner right,and straight for three blocks.Thanks. B:You're welcome. Conveersation2 A:Excuse me.Do you know where the Center Hotel is? B:You must mean the one on Center Street,right? A:Yes.That's the one B:Go right and tum left at the comer. A:The street there?Eighth Street? B:Yeah.That's Eighth.Go straight down Eighth,and at the first traffic light tumn left. A:Left at the light. B:I think the hotel's the second building on the left. A:Second building on the left.I got it.Good.Thanks B:You're welcome. B2 Tape script: Conversation3 A:Pardon me.How doIget to Porter Street from here? B:I'm not from around here.You'd better ask someone else. A:Excuse me.How doIget to Porter Street from here? C:Porter Street.Porter Street.Oh,yeah,that's not far at all.Go Tape script: Conversation1 A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the nearest bank is? B: The nearest bank. Yeah, the closest one is on Washington Street. A: Where’s that? B: Okay, go left. At the corner, turn right, and go straight for three blocks. You’ll see the bank. I think it’s the Town and Country Bank, on the left. A: So at the corner right, and straight for three blocks. Thanks. B: You’re welcome. Conveersation2 A: Excuse me. Do you know where the Center Hotel is? B: You must mean the one on Center Street, right? A: Yes. That’s the one. B: Go right and turn left at the corner. A: The street there? Eighth Street? B: Yeah. That’s Eighth. Go straight down Eighth, and at the first traffic light turn left. A: Left at the light. B: I think the hotel’s the second building on the left. A: Second building on the left. I got it. Good. Thanks. B: You’re welcome. B2 Tape script: Conversation3 A: Pardon me. How do I get to Porter Street from here? B: I’m not from around here. You’d better ask someone else. A: Excuse me. How do I get to Porter Street from here? C: Porter Street. Porter Street. Oh, yeah, that’s not far at all. Go
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