ABOUT THE AUTHORS JEREMY M.BERG received his B.S.and M.S Molecular Biology of Cancer,and Exercise degrees in Chemistry from Stanford (where he did Biochemistry and coteaches an introductory course. research with Keith Hodgson and Lubert Stryer) Energy Flow in Biological Systems.Professor and his Ph.D.in Chemistry from Harvard with Tymoczko received his B.A.from the University of Richard Holm.He th completed a postdoctora try fron fellowship with Carl Pabo in Biophysics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.He was an Ben May Institute for Cancer Research.He then had Assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry a postdoctoral position with Hewson Swift of the at Johns Hopkins from 1986 to 1990.He then moved Department of Biology at the University of Chicago Hopkins University School of Medicine The focus of his rese rch has been on steroid rec ep as Professor and Director of the Department of tors,ribonucleoprotein particles,and proteolyti Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry.where he processing enzymes. remained until 2003.He then became Director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences GREGORY J.GATTO,JR.,received his A.B. at the National Institutes of Health.In 2011,he degree in Cher from Princeton University moved to the Uni versity of Pitts rgh where he orked with Mar tin F.Se is now Professor of Computational and Systems was awarded the Everett S.Wallis Prize in Organic Biology and Pittsburgh Foundation Professor and Chemistry.In 2003.he received his M.D.and Ph.D Director of the Institute for Personalized Medicine degrees from the Johns Hopkins University School He served as President of the American Society for of Medicine,where he studied the structural biology Bi d Molecular Biology rom2011-2013 of peroxis mal targeting sign l ition with He is a of the American Assoc iation for the Jeremy M.Berg and received d the Mic chael A.Shanoff Advancement of Science and a member of the Institute Young Investigator Research Award.He completed a of medicine of the national academy of Sciences. postdoctoral fellowship in 2006 with Christopher T. He received the American Chemical Society Award Walsh at Harvard Medical School,where he studied in Pure Chemistry(1994)and the Eli Lilly Award the biosynthesis of the macrolide immunos for Fundamental Re earch in Biological Ch uppres. s.Heis urentlyaSeniorScientificlnvestigato (1995),was named Maryland Outstanding Young in the Heart Failure Discovery Performance Unit at Scientist of the Year (1995).received the Harrison GlaxoSmithKline Howe Award(1997),and received public service awards from the Biophysical Society,the Americar LUBERT STRYER is Winzer Professor of Cell Society for Biochem and Mole ular Biology ynd the ,in the School of Medicine nd American Chemi Professor of Neurobiology,Emeritus,at Stanford for Cell Biology.He also received numerous teaching University.where he has been on the faculty awards.including the W.Barry Wood Teaching since 1976.He received his M.D.from Harvard Award (selected by medical students).the graduate Medical School.Professor stryer has received many Student Teaching Award,and the Professor's Teaching wards for his research on the interplay of light and for the nces. oauth life,including the Eli Lilly Award fo Fund with Stephen J.Lippard,of the textbook Principles of menta Research in Biological Chemistry,the Distinguished Bioinorganic Chemistry. Inventors Award of the Intellectual Property Owners Association,and election to the National Academy of IOHN L.TYMOCZKO is Towsley Profes Sciences and the American Philosophical Society.He Carleton Colleg whe ere he has taugh as awarded the Nat onal Medal of Science in2006 The publication of his first edition of Biochemistry in Biochemistry Laboratory,Oncogenes and the 1975 transformed the teaching of biochemistry. iv JEREMY M. BERG received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Chemistry from Stanford (where he did research with Keith Hodgson and Lubert Stryer) and his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Harvard with Richard Holm. He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship with Carl Pabo in Biophysics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Johns Hopkins from 1986 to 1990. He then moved to Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine as Professor and Director of the Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, where he remained until 2003. He then became Director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the National Institutes of Health. In 2011, he moved to the University of Pittsburgh where he is now Professor of Computational and Systems Biology and Pittsburgh Foundation Professor and Director of the Institute for Personalized Medicine. He served as President of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from 2011–2013. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. He received the American Chemical Society Award in Pure Chemistry (1994) and the Eli Lilly Award for Fundamental Research in Biological Chemistry (1995), was named Maryland Outstanding Young Scientist of the Year (1995), received the Harrison Howe Award (1997), and received public service awards from the Biophysical Society, the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the American Chemical Society, and the American Society for Cell Biology. He also received numerous teaching awards, including the W. Barry Wood Teaching Award (selected by medical students), the Graduate Student Teaching Award, and the Professor’s Teaching Award for the Preclinical Sciences. He is coauthor, with Stephen J. Lippard, of the textbook Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry. JOHN L. TYMOCZKO is Towsley Professor of Biology at Carleton College, where he has taught since 1976. He currently teaches Biochemistry, Biochemistry Laboratory, Oncogenes and the Molecular Biology of Cancer, and Exercise Biochemistry and coteaches an introductory course, Energy Flow in Biological Systems. Professor Tymoczko received his B.A. from the University of Chicago in 1970 and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Chicago with Shutsung Liao at the Ben May Institute for Cancer Research. He then had a postdoctoral position with Hewson Swift of the Department of Biology at the University of Chicago. The focus of his research has been on steroid recep￾tors, ribonucleoprotein particles, and proteolytic processing enzymes. GREGORY J. GATTO, JR., received his A.B. degree in Chemistry from Princeton University, where he worked with Martin F. Semmelhack and was awarded the Everett S. Wallis Prize in Organic Chemistry. In 2003, he received his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he studied the structural biology of peroxisomal targeting signal recognition with Jeremy M. Berg and received the Michael A. Shanoff Young Investigator Research Award. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in 2006 with Christopher T. Walsh at Harvard Medical School, where he studied the biosynthesis of the macrolide immunosuppres￾sants. He is currently a Senior Scientific Investigator in the Heart Failure Discovery Performance Unit at GlaxoSmithKline. LUBERT STRYER is Winzer Professor of Cell Biology, Emeritus, in the School of Medicine and Professor of Neurobiology, Emeritus, at Stanford University, where he has been on the faculty since 1976. He received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. Professor Stryer has received many awards for his research on the interplay of light and life, including the Eli Lilly Award for Fundamental Research in Biological Chemistry, the Distinguished Inventors Award of the Intellectual Property Owners’ Association, and election to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Philosophical Society. He was awarded the National Medal of Science in 2006. The publication of his first edition of Biochemistry in 1975 transformed the teaching of biochemistry. ABOUT THE AUTHORS
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