Part One General Introduction to International Economic Law Chapter One General Introduction to International Economic Law Section 1 Conceptand Characteristics 1.1 Doctrines The Concept of international economic law involves two kinds of doctrines Doctrine in a narrow sence:International economic law only regulates the economic relationships between nations. Representative figures: ◆ Doctrine in a broad sence Inte economic relationships which not only include the relations between nations,but als include those between nation and nature person/artifitial person,or nature person and artificial person,or nature person,or artificial persons. Representative figures: At present in China,the doctrine in a broad sence is widely accepted. 1.2 Concept and Characteristics of International Economic Law Concept:International economic law is the sum of laws which adjust international economic relations ◆Characteristics: 1.Subjects of international eco omic law not ony include nations,interationl organizations.but also include nature person and artificial person from different countries. 2.Ajusmental objects of international economic law not only involve economic relations between nations and international organizations.but also economic relations between nature persons and artificial persons from different countries.also involve economic relat ns between states and natic hals of other states 3.Sources of international economic law is not only consisted of international treaties and international usages,but also intemational commercial customs and domestic laws which requlate foreign economic relations. 1.3 Relationships Between International Economic Law and Other Neighboring Laws International Public International Private Intemational Economic Law I aw Law Subject Nations ational ations,International tions. International Organizations, Nature Organizations,Nature Persons. Artificia Persons. Artificitia Persons Persons Adjusmental Economic relations Political relations/Personal relations 3 Part One General Introduction to International Economic Law Chapter One General Introduction to International Economic Law Section 1 Concept and Characteristics 1.1 Doctrines The Concept of international economic law involves two kinds of doctrines. ◆ Doctrine in a narrow sence: International economic law only regulates the economic relationships between nations. Representative figures: ◆ Doctrine in a broad sence: International economic law regulates international economic relationships which not only include the relations between nations, but also include those between nation and nature person/artifitial person, or nature person and artificial person, or nature person, or artificial persons. Representative figures: At present in China, the doctrine in a broad sence is widely accepted. 1.2 Concept and Characteristics of International Economic Law ◆ Concept: International economic law is the sum of laws which adjust international economic relations ◆ Characteristics: 1. Subjects of international economic law not only include nations, international organizations, but also include nature person and artificial person from different countries. 2. Ajusmental objects of international economic law not only involve economic relations between nations and international organizations, but also economic relations between nature persons and artificial persons from different countries, also involve economic relations between states and nationals of other states. 3. Sources of international economic law is not only consisted of international treaties and international usages, but also international commercial customs and domestic laws which regulate foreign economic relations. 1.3 Relationships Between International Economic Law and Other Neighboring Laws International Economic Law Public International Law Private International Law Subject Nations, International Organizations, Nature Persons, Artificial Persons Nations, International Organizations Nations, International Organizations, Nature Persons, Artificitial Persons Adjusmental Economic relations Political relations/ Personal relations
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