Concept and adjusting object of International Financial Law: 2.System of International Financial Law Knowledge Structure Concept and characteristics of International Financial Law: ational Financial Law 1.1Cg to Int 12 Characteristics of Internatic al Financial Law Section 2 Sources of International Financial Law 2 1 International treaties 2.2 International Usages and Practices 2.3 Domestic Laws Chapter 15I on Money ss Hour: Let the udents know the different states'legal system concerning foreign money:Introduce intemational monetary system to the students;Discuss the legal problems about transnational Key Points and Difficult Points: Different country's legal system on foreign money: 2 International monetary system e n transnational Monetary. wledge Structure Different country's legal system on foreign money; 2.system Lega es or nal tary 1.1 Dete Legal Syst ems Concerning Foreign Money 12concept and types of exchange ntrys mone rate I 3 Concent and r t of foreign exchange control Section 2 international Monetary System 2.1 Development process of international monetary system 2.2 Content of Agreement of IMF 3 ction 3 Legal Issues on Transnational Money money 3.3T of transnational money: Chapter 16 International Financing Law Number of Class Hour:4 Aim and Requirement: Let the students learn and master the concept and characteristics of International Financing Law, the common claus of international financing,and some kinds of ways of international financing. Key Points and Difficult F f int vera ds of financing: Knowledge Structure General introduction to international financing law 2 Common clauses of international financing: 3. Some ways of international financing 4. Guarantee for international financing Section 1 Common Clauses of International Financing 1.1 Condition Precedent 1.2 Representation and Warranties 1. Concept and adjusting object of International Financial Law; 2. System of International Financial Law Knowledge Structure 1. Concept and characteristics of International Financial Law; 2. Adjusting object of International Financial Law 3. System of International Financial Law. Section 1 General Introduction to International Financial Law ⒈1 Concept of International Financial Law ⒈2 Characteristics of International Financial Law Section 2 Sources of International Financial Law ⒉1 International Treaties ⒉2 International Usages and Practices ⒉3 Domestic Laws Chapter 15 International Legal System on Money Number of Class Hour: 2 Aim and Requirement: Let the students know the different states’ legal system concerning foreign money; Introduce international monetary system to the students; Discuss the legal problems about transnational money. Key Points and Difficult Points: 1. Different country’s legal system on foreign money; 2. International monetary system; 3. Legal issues on transnational Monetary. Knowledge Structure 1. Different country’s legal system on foreign money; 2. International monetary system; 3. Legal issues on transnational Monetary. Section 1 Different National Legal Systems Concerning Foreign Money ⒈1 Determination of nature of different country’s money ⒈2 Concept and types of exchange rate ⒈3 Concept and purport of foreign exchange control Section 2 International Monetary System ⒉1 Development process of international monetary system ⒉2 Content of Agreement of IMF Section 3 Legal Issues on Transnational Money ⒊1 Concept and purport of transnational money ⒊2 Risk of transnational money ⒊3 Three main kinds of transnational money: Chapter 16 International Financing Law Number of Class Hour: 4 Aim and Requirement: Let the students learn and master the concept and characteristics of International Financing Law, the common clauses of international financing, and some kinds of ways of international financing. Key Points and Difficult Points: 1. Common clauses of international financing; 2. Several kinds of ways of international financing; 3. Guarantee for international financing. Knowledge Structure 1. General introduction to international financing law; 2. Common clauses of international financing; 3. Some ways of international financing 4. Guarantee for international financing Section 1 Common Clauses of International Financing ⒈1 Condition Precedent ⒈2 Representation and Warranties
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