Ⅲ.汉译英。 l.洗淋浴take a shower 2.她最喜欢的作家her favorite writer 3.去野餐have a picnic 4.逃跑 run away 5.发带hair band 6.制造恐惧create fear 7.报警call the policemen/police 8.在音乐厅in the music hall 9.我其余的朋友the rest of my friends 10.捡到pick up 导航页导航页 Ⅲ . 汉译英。 1. 洗淋浴_____________ 2. 她最喜欢的作家__________________ 3. 去野餐_____________ 4. 逃跑_____________ 5. 发带_____________ 6. 制造恐惧_____________ 7. 报警_____________ 8. 在音乐厅_____________ 9. 我其余的朋友____________________ 10. 捡 到_____________ take a shower her favorite writer have a picnic run away hair band create fear call the policemen/police in the music hall the rest of my friends pick up
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