M B. Ruggles-Wrenn et al/ Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006)2089-2099 [25] Davis JB, Lofvander JPA, Evans AG. Fiber coating concepts for [35] Boakye EE, Petry MD, Hay rs, Douglas LM. Monazite coatings on brittle matrix composites. J Am Ceram Soc 1993: 76(5): 1249-5 Nextel 720, 610, and Tyranno-SA fiber tows: effects of precursors on [26] Levi CG, Yang JY, Dalgleish BJ, Zok FW, Evans AG. Processing fiber strength Ceram Eng Sci Proc 2000: 21(4): 229-36 and performance of an all-oxide ceramic composite. J Am Ceram Soc [36]Lee SS, Zawada LP, Staehler J, Folsom CA. Mechanical behavior 998:81:2077-86 and high-temperature performance of a woven Nicalon/Si-N-C [27] Mattoni MA, Yang JY, Levi CG, Zok FW. Effects of matrix porosity ceramic-matrix composite. J Am Ceram Soc 1998: 81(7): 1797-811 on the mechanical properties of a porous matrix, all-oxide ceramic [37]Zawada LP, Hay RS, Lee Ss, Staehler J Characterization and high- composite. 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[40] Wilson DM, Visser LR. High performance oxide fibers for metal and ceramic composites. Composites: Part A 2001;32:1143–53. [41] Casas L, Martinez-Esnaola JM. Microstructural characterization of an alumina/mullite composite tested in creep. Mater Sci Eng 2004;A368:139–44. [42] Pysher DJ, Tressler RE. Creep rupture studies of two alumina-based ceramic fibers. J Mater Sci 1992;27:423–8. [43] Pysher DJ, Tressler RE. Tensile creep rupture behavior of alumina￾based polycrystalline oxide fibers. Ceram Eng Sci Proc 1992; 13(7–8):218–26. [44] Wilson DM, Lunenburg DC, Lieder SL. High-temperature properties of Nextel 610 and alumina-based nanocomposite fibers. Ceram Eng Sci Proc 1992;14(7–8):609–21. M.B. Ruggles-Wrenn et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 2089–2099 2099
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