Figure3:Hodge猜克 Hodge猜克 在非奇异复射影代数簇上,任一霍奇类是代数闭链类的有理线性组合 (Hodge Conjecture.Let X be a projective complex manifold.Then every Hodge class on X is a linear combination with rational coefficients of the cohomology classes of complex subvarieties of X.) William Vallance Douglas Hodge FRS,1903.6.17-1975.7.7,苏格兰 几何学家 3Figure 3: Hodgeß➂ Hodge ß➂ ✥✸➎Û➱❊✓❑➇êqþ, ❄➌➾Û❛➫➇ê✹ó❛✛❦♥❶✺⑤Ü. (Hodge Conjecture. Let X be a projective complex manifold. Then every Hodge class on X is a linear combination with rational coefficients of the cohomology classes of complex subvarieties of X.) William Vallance Douglas Hodge FRS➜1903.6.17õ1975.7.7➜⑨❶❂ ❆Û➷❬. 3