《Physical Chemistry》 I General Information Course Name Physical Chemistry Course mpulsory Semester 3 Hours 112 Credit Points3.5 Textbook PW.Atkins.(Physical Chemistry Seventh Edition.Oxford University Press Inc..New York.2002 小.宋世谟主编,《物理化学》上、下册,第四版北京:高教出 版社2001 [2.付献彩主编,《物理化学》上、下册.第三版南京大学北京: 高数出版社2001 B胡英主编,《物理化学》上、中、下册.第一版,北京:高教 出版社.2001 「41.付玉普主编。《物理化学》上、下册.第一版,大连:大连理 References 工大学出版社,2000 51北京化工大学编《物理化学例题与习题》第一版北京: 化学工业出版社.2001 [6].RA.Alberty (Physical Chemistry Fifth edition.Tohn Wiley& Sons Inc.1979 7].Keith J.LaiderJohnH.Meiser. 《Physical Chemistry》The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company,Inc II、Contents Part 1 Equilibrum Part 1 of the text develops the concepts that are needed for the discussion of equilibria in chemistry.Equilibria include physical change,such as fusion and vaporization,and chemical change including electrochemistry The discussion is in terms of thermodynamics and We see that we can obtain a unified view equilibrium and the direction of spontaneous chang in terms of the chemical potential of substances. 1 The properties of gases (5 hours) 1.The Basic Requirements The van der Waals equation The principle of corresponding states II.Contents PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建n,fineprint,com,cn 1 《Physical Chemistry》 I、General Information Course Name Physical Chemistry Course Compulsory Semester 3,4 Hours 112 Credit Points 3.5 Textbook P.W.Atkins.《Physical Chemistry》Seventh Edition.Oxford University Press Inc., New York,2002 References [1]. 宋世谟主编,《物理化学》上、下册,第四版..北京:高教出 版社.2001 [2]. 付献彩主编,《物理化学》上、下册. 第三版.南京大学.北京: 高教出版社.2001 [3]. 胡英主编,《物理化学》上、中、下册. 第一版,北京:高教 出版社.2001 [4]. 付玉普主编,《物理化学》上、下册. 第一版,大连:大连理 工大学出版社,2000 [5]. 北京化工大学编,《物理化学例题与习题》.. 第一版,北京: 化学工业出版社.2001 [6]. R A.Alberty《Physical Chemistry》 Fifth edition .Tohn Wiley & Sons,Inc. 1979 [7].Keith J.Laidler,JohnH.Meiser. 《 Physical Chemistry 》 The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc II、Contents Part 1 Equilibrum Part 1 of the text develops the concepts that are needed for the discussion of equilibria in chemistry. Equilibria include physical change, such as fusion and vaporization, and chemical change, including electrochemistry. The discussion is in terms of thermodynamics, and particularly in terms of enthalpy and entropy. We see that we can obtain a unified view of equilibrium and the direction of spontaneous chang in terms of the chemical potential of substances. 1 The properties of gases(5 hours) I. The Basic Requirements The states of the perfect gases The perfect gas lawsMolecular interaction of real gases The van der Waals equation The principle of corresponding states II. Contents PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.com.cn
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