Po.R,Soo.Lond.A371,39-48(1980) Printed in Great Britain Solid state physics 1925-88 opportunities missed and opportunities seized BY A H WIlsoN, F.R. S. Wilson, Sir Alan H. Born Wallasey 1906. Studied in Cambridge and Germany University lecturer in mathematics at Cambridge until 1945. Research in electrons in solids; author of Theory of Metals(Cambridge)1936, 2nd edition 1953. Career since World War II in industry. Deputy Chairman of Courtaulds, Deputy Chairman of the Electricity Council, Chairman of Gla.o Group THE PERIOD UP TO 1929 The discovery of the electron by J.J. Thomson in 1897 enabled P Drude to produce in 1goo what seemed at first to be a very satisfactory theory of the electrical and thermal conductivities of metals. In Igo4-5, H. A Lorentz gave an improved mathe matical formulation of Drude's theory but without essentially adding anything to its physical content. However, as endeavours were made to embrace more and more of the properties of metals within the theory, it became clear during the next decade or so that it was impossible to encompass all of them without introducing a number of ad hoc and conflicting assumptions. The theory therefore fell into a state of dis repute and disorder which is well portrayed in the Report of the Solvay Conference of1924. It was not until I25 that a theory could have emerged which would have been an advance on that of Drude and lorentz, the occasion being the publication by W. Pauli of his paper'Uber den Zusammenhang des Abschlusses der Elektronen gruppen im Atom mit der Komplexstruktur der Spektren. This formulated the Exclusion Principle in the following words(slightly simplified) Es kann niemals zwei oder mehrere aquivalente Elektronen im Atom geben fur welche die Werte aller Quantenzahlen. . ubereinstimmen. Ist ein Elektron im Atom vorhanden, fur das diese Quantenzahlen., bestimmte Werte haben, so ist dieser zustand‘ besetzt’ Eine nahere Begruindung fur diese Regel konnen wir nicht geben, sie scheint sich jedoch von selbst als sehr naturgemasz darzubieten Pauli did not go on to extend his Exclusion Principle to the conduction electrons in a metal. Neither did E. Fermi, though he is often credited with having done so The paper published in 126 in which the Fermi distribution function is introduced is entitled"Zur Quantelung des idealen einatomigen Gases, and its abstract is as follows Wenn der Nernstsche Warmesatz auch fur das ideale Gas seine Gultigkeit behalten soll, muss man annehmen, dass die gesetze idealer Gase bei niedrigen例如c. R. Soc, . 4. A 371, 39-48 (1980) Prin!W. in Gt-w.t Bri阳"、 Solid state physics 1925-33: opportunities missed and opportunities seized By A. H. WILSOl霄, F.R.S 1. Sir Alan H. Born JVal 8ey 1906. Sludied Cω ,.; and Ge俨many versity lurer in mathemalic8 at Q, mbridge 也饨til1945. e8 rch in elwr0n8 in80l坤,酬tlw ofTh ry ofMetals (Cambridge) 1936, 2nd edilion 1953 向时 "阳 JVvrld IV ar 11 in indust Deputy Chairman 01 Courta叫白 Deputy irman 01 the El lricity Co cil Chairma ofGlaxo Gr THE PEBIOD UP TO 1929 The di.scovery of heelec ron by J. J. Thomson in 1897 enabled P. Drude to produce 呵。 what seemed at first be a very satisfac阳'y恤回ry of the electrical and hermal conductivities of me als. In 11)04-5 , H. A. Lorentz gave an improved mathematical formulation of Drude's 由四ry but wi hou entially adding anything to its physical co ent. However, as endeavours were made to embrace mo and more of the properties of metals within he heory ,他 became clear during the next decade or 80 that it was impo ibletoen mp all ofthem without introducing a number of ad hoc and confiicting 嗣.s ump ions. The theory therefore fell into a state of dis pute and '0 er which is well portrayed in the Report of he Solv町Conference of 1924 It not untill92S that a th ry could have emerged which would have been an advance on th of Drude and Lo rent毡, the occasion being the publication by W. Pauli of his e,‘ Über den Zusammenhang Abschlus der Elektronengruppen im Atom mit der Komplexstruktur der Spektren.' This formula.ted the Exclusion Prìnciple in he following words (sligh sìmplified) Es kann niemals zwei oder mehrere äquivalente Elektronen im Atom geben, für welche die Nerte al1er Quantenzahlen... übereìnstimmen. ein Elektron im Atom vorhanden, für diese Quan ,由len... bestimmte Nerte haben ,回 ist die zustand 'bese t' Eine nähere Begtündung für diese R.egel können wir nicht geben, sie sche皿也 sich jedoch von selbst als sehr natu em darzubieten Pauli did no go on to extend his Exclusion Principle to the conduction electrons in a metal. Neither did E. Fermi ,也hough he is of credited with having done so Thep er published in 1926 which the Fermi distribution function is introdu is enti Zur Quantelung des idealen einatomigen Gases', and its abstract ìs follows Wenn der Nemstsche Wärmesatz auch für das ideale 跑回ine Gu tigkei behalten soll, mu man annehmen, da die Gesetze idealer Ga bei niedrigen [ 39 ]