Pyramid 棱锥 2.Getting points on the surface of a pyramid棱锥表面取点 Method Draw an auxiliary line or plane going through the point on the pyramid. 方法: 在棱面上过锥顶作一条包含该点的辅助线或辅助平面。 The projection of pointis also visible when it on visible edge or plane. Distinguish 凡在可见表面及棱线上的点,其投影为可见; 判别 The projection of point is not visible when it on invisible edge or plane. 凡在不可见表面及棱线上的点,其投影则为不可见。 Labeling All invisible points are written in brackets. 标注: 对不可见的点加括号以示区别。 Example4.Draw a regular triangular pyramid and get points on the surface.画正三棱维及表面上各点的三视图。 Example5.Draw a regular pentagonal pyramid and get points on the surface.画正五棱锥及表面上各点的三视图。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内空6 2.Getting points on the surface of a pyramid 棱锥表面取点 A K C B P E F Draw an auxiliary line or plane going through the point on the pyramid. 在棱面上过锥顶作一条包含该点的辅助线或辅助平面。 Distinguish 判别: Labeling 标注: All invisible points are written in brackets. 对不可见的点加括号以示区别。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 Example4. Draw a regular triangular pyramid and get points on the surface. 画正三棱锥及表面上各点的三视图。 Example5. Draw a regular pentagonal pyramid and get points on the surface. 画正五棱锥及表面上各点的三视图。 Pyramid 棱锥 The projection of point is also visible when it on visible edge or plane. 凡在可见表面及棱线上的点,其投影为可见; The projection of point is not visible when it on invisible edge or plane. 凡在不可见表面及棱线上的点,其投影则为不可见。 Method 方法:
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