Amides of Carboxylic Acids An amide is a composite of a carboxylic acid and an amine (or ammonia). Heating the salt formed when an amine and carboxylic acid react drives off the water produced,and an amide is formed. 0 R-C-OH H,N-R C一OHN-R hetR-C-NH一R+H,OT amine salt amide Amides are much less basic than their parent amines since the lone pair of electrons on Nitrogen are delocalized onto the carbonyl oxygen. H+ concentrated acid very weakly basic protonation on oxyger In fact in strong acid,it is the oxygen that gets protonated first! Ch21 Carboxylic acid Derivatives(landscape) Page 3Ch21 Carboxylic acid Derivatives(landscape) Page 3 Amides of Carboxylic Acids An amide is a composite of a carboxylic acid and an amine (or ammonia). Heating the salt formed when an amine and carboxylic acid react drives off the water produced, and an amide is formed. Amides are much less basic than their parent amines since the lone pair of electrons on Nitrogen are delocalized onto the carbonyl oxygen. In fact in strong acid, it is the oxygen that gets protonated first!
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