GEORGE:You're not saying that. MAN:You can't leave.You're two are quarantined. BAILEY:I got this under control ifyou need to get back to your wife OMAR:Hello? there in yo (Omar is in quarantine as well.A guard stands at his door.) BAILEY:Sir? OMAR:yes! OMAR:Hello out there.Thank God you can hear me.How's my wife? 8aEamroaeBa3zeom9aoagaetomg26r67hes OMAR:You know how many daysIbeen in here? BAILEY:It's only been a few hours OMAR:Really?I'm losing it.I'm losing track of time. BAILEY:Ok sir,you're sweating.Ineed you to sit down,get back in the bed. OMAR:Well what about my wife?Can you find out about Giselle? gionaisg8y北u8miget8sakrge7utfme,but1anctheckonershtus BAILEY:Like I said sir,she ca OMAR:Wait!Don't go please.Just.just stay a minute. BAILEY:Okay,I'm staying. OMAR:Omar.Call me Omar. BAILEY:Okay,Omar.I'm right here. (Meredith answers the door.) CALLIE:I brought food.GEORGE: You're not saying that. MAN: You can't leave. You're two are quarantined. - BAILEY: I got this under control if you need to get back to your wife RICHARD: No, no. I should check in with the IDC rep. I have to stay on top of my hospital. Keep me posted. OMAR: Hello? I need help please. I know you can hear me. I see you standing out there in your giant white space suit. (Omar is in quarantine as well. A guard stands at his door.) BAILEY: Sir? OMAR: yes! MAN IN SUIT: No unauthorized personnel beyond this point, ma'am. IDC regulations. BAILEY: Look I know he is under quarantine, but he's also a patient. And I will not ignore a patient. OMAR: Hello out there. Thank God you can hear me. How's my wife? BAILEY: My name is Dr. Bailey, Miranda Bailey. You're wife is out of surgery, she's quarantined in recovery but she's doning fine, now you were asking for help? OMAR: You know how many days I been in here? BAILEY: It's only been a few hours. OMAR: Really? I'm losing it. I'm losing track of time. BAILEY: Ok sir, you're sweating. I need you to sit down, get back in the bed. OMAR: Well what about my wife? Can you find out about Giselle? BAILEY: Like I said sir, she came out of surgery just fine, but I can check on her status again. You just stay calm until I get back. OMAR: Wait! Don't go please. Just.just stay a minute. BAILEY: Okay, I'm staying. OMAR: Omar. Call me Omar. BAILEY: Okay, Omar. I'm right here. - (Meredith answers the door.) CALLIE: I brought food
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