himself as a saviour showing the people the way to freedom through their own "true will". In other words, he said, people should throw off all constraints and conventions and gain control of themselves and others through their own will power. In his famous books, "Magic in Theory and Practice", Crowley explains what magic is, namel a technique of making nature obey man's will by capturing natural power through speaking the appropriate words and performing the correct actions. all this must be done while in the right state of mind: a state that Crowley often produced by the use of di His experiments with various drugs were to have serious consequences and by the time he was in his thirties he was taking too much heroin. At the end of his life he was taking a massive daily does of ll grammes, enough to kill a roomful of people. It was only his extraordinary physical a fatal. Rather ironical considering his excessive intake of drugs, Crowley died of natural causes at the age of 72. Opinion has always been sharply divided about him, for as well as being a self confessed gician, Crowley also painted, wrote plays, stories and poetry. Some see him as a clever but misguided man, while others, especially after the scandals at tached to his life at Cefalu in Cicily, view him as truly evil. 59. Through the doctrine of true will", Crowley encouraged people to A ignore the normal morality B find freedom through self worship C control everything by will powe D invent a new unconventional reli 60. How is magic defined in "Magic in Theory and Practice"? A. As a means of acquiring a certain state of mind B As a technique of speaking and acting in a certain way. C As a form of natural power gained through using drugs. D As a way of subduing natural laws by will power 61. What kind of person was Crowley? A Self seeking and violent. B Strong willed and dissatisfied C Rash and weak willed D Strong willed and determined. 62. Why didn t the large amounts of heroin taken by growley prove fatal? A. He took too large a dose for it to be fatal. B. He did not take enough to kill a man of his size. C. He had conditioned his body not to di D. He had accus tomed his body to large dosage 4 i have yet to witness one example just one of compliance on the part of those people who have the power to move those little thermostat buttons. Don' t they know about the fuel shortage?himself as a saviour showing the people the way to freedom through their own“true will”.In other words, he said, people should throw off all constraints and conventions and gain control of themselves and others through their own will power. In his famous books,“Magic in Theory and Practice”,Crowley explains what magic is, namely, a technique of making nature obey man's will by capturing natural power through speaking the appropriate words and performing the correct actions. All this must be done while in the right state of mind: a state that Crowley often produced by the use of drugs. His experiments with various drugs were to have serious consequences and by the time he was in his thirties he was taking too much heroin. At the end of his life he was taking a massive daily does of 11 grammes, enough to kill a roomful of people. It was only his extraordinary physical strength and conditioning through the years, that stopped it being fatal. Rather ironically, considering his excessive intake of drugs, Crowley died of natural causes at the age of 72. Opinion has always been sharply divided about him, for as well as being a self confessed magician, Crowley also painted, wrote plays, stories and poetry. Some see him as a clever but misguided man, while others ,especially after the scandals attached to his life at Cefalu in Cicily, view him as truly evil. 59. Through the doctrine of “true will”,Crowley encouraged people to _____ . A.ignore the normal morality B.find freedom through self worship C.control everything by will power D.invent a new unconventional religion 60. How is magic defined in“Magic in Theory and Practice”? A.As a means of acquiring a certain state of mind. B.As a technique of speaking and acting in a certain way. C.As a form of natural power gained through using drugs. D.As a way of subduing natural laws by will power. 61. What kind of person was Crowley? A.Self seeking and violent. B.Strong willed and dissatisfied. C.Rash and weak willed. D.Strong willed and determined. 62. Why didn't the large amounts of heroin taken by Growley prove fatal? A.He took too large a dose for it to be fatal. B.He did not take enough to kill a man of his size. C.He had conditioned his body not to die. D.He had accustomed his body to large dosage. Passage 4 I have yet to witness one example just one of compliance on the part of those people who have the power to move those little thermostat buttons.Don't they know about the fuel shortage?
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