最优解型构、子问题、最优子结构特性 23 567 8 9 10 一个样本输入: Si 3 5 8 8 f 9910 1. 1214 S:the set of activities that start after activity afinishes and that finish before activity a starts. Ai:maximum set of mutually compatible activities in S Ao,12:ta a4 as/9;a11 is a solution of So.12最优解型构、子问题、最优子结构特性 一个样本输入: Sij: the set of activities that start after activity ai finishes and that finish before activity ajstarts. Aij: maximum set of mutually compatible activities in Sij A0,12: {a1 ; a4 ; a8/9; a11} is a solution of S0,12