Yield and net returns and adoption of GE crops Net Yield returns HT cotton 个不剂 个 Bt cotton 个 个 HT corn Small 个 Depends on Bt corn 个 infestation1/ HT soybeans Small个 ns Notes: ns:Not significant 1/In low infestation years,some farms may have negative returns if Bt corn is used on fields where the value of protection against the pests is lower than ●●2 the Bt seed premium.(This"over-adoption"may be due mainly to poor ●●● forecast of infestation levels). ●●●Yield and net returns and adoption of GE crops Notes: ns: Not significant 1/ In low infestation years, some farms may have negative returns if Bt corn is used on fields where the value of protection against the pests is lower than the Bt seed premium. (This “over-adoption” may be due mainly to poor forecast of infestation levels ). Yield Net returns HT cotton ↑ ↑ Bt cotton ↑ ↑ HT corn Small ↑ ↑ Bt corn ↑ Depends on infestation1/ HT so ybeans Small ↑ ns
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