O.N. Grigoriev et aL./Composites: Part B 37(2006)530-541 It is shown that the polarization-modulated method may be [1l Cai Pz, Green DJ, Messing GL. Constrained densification of alumina/- used for experimental study of internal stresses in polycrystal zirconia hybrid laminates, 1: experimental observations of processing line composite materials. This method allows not only to defects. J Am Ceram Soc 1997: 80: 1929-39 register and establish a distribution of the stresses on a surface [ 12] Whitney JM, Browning CE, Mair A. Analysis of the flexure test for minated composite materials. In: Composite materials: testing and of a material but also to obtain numerical values design, ASTM STP, vol. 546: 1974. P 30-45 Recrystallization of Sic in laminated B-SiC/TiB2 compo- [13] Jones RM. Mechanics of composite materials. Washington, DC: Scripta sites results in porous structure of Sic layers. These layers are Book: 1975. reinforced by arch structures consisting of prismatic gra aIns [14 Johnson AF, Sims GD. Mechanical properties and design of sandwich The high relaxation ability of these structures excludes materials Composites 1986: 17(4) [15] Bolotin VV, Novichkow YuN. Mechanics of multilayered structures. formation of cracks at pro acton of composites. The high Moscow: Mashinostroenie: 1980 in Russian] strength of such composites is apparently stipulated by high [16] Guz' AN, Khoroshun LP, Vanin GA, et al. Mechanics of composite critical strains of fracture materials and structures. Mechanics of materials 1982: 1 in Russian The laminated composites SiC/(SiC+TiB)at moderate [7 Piskunov vG. verizhenko vE. Linear and nonlinear problems tor the TiB2 contents have low porosity and sufficient strength. The Russian - rather low thermal expansion misfits in such composites does [18)Rasskazov AO, Sokolovskaya Il, Shulga NA. Theory and calculation of not result in cracking SiC/(SiC+TiB2)composites with pure Itilayered orthotropic shells and plates. Vyshcha Shkola, Kiev: 1987 SiC layer on the surface are prospective ones for development lin Russian of high-temperature materials with a high corrosion resistance [19] Vasilev VV. Mechanics of composite structures. Moscow: Mashinos- troenie; 1988 [ in Russian. [20] Gorik AV, Piskunov VG Cherednikov vN. Theoretical and experi tigations of bending of sandwich beams. Probl Prochn 2000: 3: 76- f the nonclassical model Probl Prochn 1999: 2: 115-25 [in Russian yered ceramics: processing and mechanical behavior. Annu [22] Piskunov VG, Sipetov vS, Shevchenko VD, Fedorenko YuM. Strength of Mater Sci 1997;27:249-82. materials with fundamentals of elasticity and plasticity theory. In 2 parts. [3] Shigegaki Y, Brito ME, Hirao K, Toriyama M, Kanzaki S. Fracture 5 books, Pt. 1, Book 2. Strength of a beam, Textbook. Vyshcha Shkola ehavior of a multilayered silicon nitride. J Ceram Soc Jpn 1997: 105(9) Kiev: 1995 in Ukrainian 246. GA, Zavada VP. Certification of advanced ceramics by 4] Grigor'ev ON, Karoteev Av, Klimenko AV, Prilutskii EV Development mechanical properties. Probl Prochn 1994: 1: 68-75 [in Russian] and properties of SiC-TiB2 multilayered composites. In: Proceedings of [24] Drozdov Av, Kutmyak Vv, Negovskii AN. Experimental equipment for the sixth conf and exhib Euro Ceram Soc, Brighton, UK: 20-24 June evaluation of the characteristics of ceramic materials. Prob 1999. Chameleon Press: 1999, [Abstract]. Prochn 1999: 5: 117-26 in Russian [5] Grigor'ev oN, Karoteev AV, Klimenko AV, et al. Production and [25] Andrievsky RA, Spivak Il. Strength of refractory compounds and properties of multilayered SiC-T1B2 ceramics. Ogneupory Tekh Keram materials on its base. Chelyabinsk: Metallurgy Publishers: 1989. 389p 2000;11:20-5[ in Russian lin Russian [6] Lii D-F, Huang J-L, Chou F-C. Mechanical behaviors of Si N- [26] Isakhalov GV, Gulyar Al, Maiboroda EE. Computer modelling of the SiC/Si,] N4 layered composites. J Ceram Soc Jpn 1996: 104(8) processes of shape changing of the 3D-shells under creep conditions 699-704. Probl Strength 1977: 5: 70-8 [7 Yaroshenko V, Katashinskii V. Processing and properties of silicon [(271 Netrebko VP, Vasilchenko IP. Polarizing methods of the mechanics of nitride-based laminated composites. Can Ceram Q J Can Ceram Soc omposite materials. Issue of Moscow University: 1990. 160 P [in 997:66(4):292-6 Russian [8] Janney MA. Mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of a hot [28] Jasperson SN, Sahnaterly SE. An improved method for high reflectivity pressed SiC-15 voL TiB2 composite. Am Ceram Soc Bull 1987: 66 ellipsometry based on a new polarization modulation technique. Rev Sci Instru196940(6):761-7 [9] Kovalchuk VV, Yuga Al, Grigoriev ON Physical-mechanical properti [29] Nikitenko EV, Serdega BK Research of properties of the modulator of of SiC-MeB ceramic materials. Powder Metall 1992: 2: 95-9 [ in plarization in polarimetric the optical circuits. The collection Optoelec- Russian tronics and semi-conductor engineering, Kiev: 1998 [in Russian] [10] Grigoriev ON, Kovalchuk VV, Subbotin Vl, Gogotsi YuG. Structure and [30] Boiko Il, Venger YeF, Nikitenko EV, Serdega BK. Investigation of the properties of SiC-TiB2 ceramics J Mater Process Manuf Sci 1999: 7(7): photoelastic effecting Si at high values of the absorptivity Semicond Phys 99-110 Quant Electr Optoelectron 1999: 2(2): 54-8It is shown that the polarization-modulated method may be used for experimental study of internal stresses in polycrystal￾line composite materials. This method allows not only to register and establish a distribution of the stresses on a surface of a material, but also to obtain numerical values. Recrystallization of SiC in laminated b-SiC/TiB2 compo￾sites results in porous structure of SiC layers. These layers are reinforced by arch structures consisting of prismatic grains. The high relaxation ability of these structures excludes formation of cracks at production of composites. The high strength of such composites is apparently stipulated by high critical strains of fracture. The laminated composites SiC/(SiCCTiB2) at moderate TiB2 contents have low porosity and sufficient strength. The rather low thermal expansion misfits in such composites does not result in cracking. SiC/(SiCCTiB2) composites with pure SiC layer on the surface are prospective ones for development of high-temperature materials with a high corrosion resistance. References [1] Harmer MP, Chan HM, Miller GA. 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