how to get on with your children G%: 1. seem 2. biggest 3. worrying 4. care 5. choice 6. healthier 7. else 9. theirs 10. being 五、短文改错;有10处错误,其中有一处删词和一处增词 Last month, some parents visited a pizza restaurant in Florida with their children On the door, they saw a sigh "NO CHILdrEN". "Why can't we bring our children? ""what on earth does the owner want to do? "The parents were surprised and complained(fE nB)angry (angrily So why does (did) the owner put up the sign on the door? Troy Taylor, the owner of the pizza restaurant, found that many parents couldn't control their hildren and that (H %i)many children couldn't have meals quietly, so they troubled other customers badly. Some people said that this was unfair. Mr. Taylor explained (F) his decide (decision) He said the restaurant was near a busy road, so there might be some dangers (danger if the parents didn,'t take good care of their children. To make sure of the kids safe ( safety ) he made up his mind to ban( 1E) them from his restaurant. "I don' t regret to make the decision,” Troy added Others supported his decision. They said noisy children should /\(be )stopped going into restaurants and that now they could finally have a place for adults only In fact, many other restaurants have also meet (met the same problem. The owners think noisy children have got on the way of their business. Some have done nothing and others tried to ban children during certain times of the day. There's one restaurant in Italy. It has been creative n deal( dealing) with the problem. They give prizes to well-behaved(表现好的) children to encourage parents to control his children These ways may be useful for a while, but it is difficult to complete(completely solve thishow to get on with your children. 答案: 1. seem 2. biggest 3. worrying 4. care 5. choice 6. healthier 7. else 8. done 9. theirs 10. being 五、短文改错;有 10 处错误,其中有一处删词和一处增词 Last month,some parents visited a pizza restaurant in Florida with their children. On the door,they saw a sigh “NO CHILDREN”. “Why can't we bring our children?” “What on earth does the owner want to do?” The parents were surprised and complained(抱怨) angry. (angrily)So why does (did)the owner put up the sign on the door? Troy Taylor,the owner of the pizza restaurant,found that many parents couldn't control their children and that (删除)many children couldn't have meals quietly,so they troubled other customers badly. Some people said that this was unfair. Mr. Taylor explained (解释)his decide. (decision)He said the restaurant was near a busy road,so there might be some dangers (danger)if the parents didn't take good care of their children. To make sure of the kids' safe (safety),he made up his mind to ban(禁止) them from his restaurant. “I don't regret to make the decision,” Troy added. Others supported his decision. They said noisy children should /\(be)stopped going into restaurants and that now they could finally have a place for adults only. In fact,many other restaurants have also meet (met)the same problem. The owners think the noisy children have got on the way of their business. Some have done nothing and others tried to ban children during certain times of the day. There's one restaurant in Italy .It has been creative in deal(dealing) with the problem. They give prizes to well-behaved(表现好的) children to encourage parents to control his children. These ways may be useful for a while,but it is difficult to complete (completely)solve this problem. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10
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