和能 力。 具备 药学 基础 7.Drug elimination,dlearance. 理 and renal clearance 2.1 Understand the significance of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics to new drug research and 11.Physiologicdrug distribution 论、 基本 development and clinical application. and protein binding 12.Drug elimination and hepatic 知 clearance 识、 本 课 技 能。 标 具备 2 从事 药品 体内 2.2 Master the structure and properties of biofilms.drug transport mechanism.drug absorption pathways in 评价 different parts,and factors affecting drug absorption including physiology,drugs.dosage forms and 14.Physiologic Factors 方面 Related to Drug Absorption preparations. 工作 的知 识和 能 力。 具备 2.3 Master the basic concepts of drug distribution,excretion and metabolism:skilled with the factors that 11.Physiologic Drug 从事 affect drug distribution,the types of drug metabolic reactions and the factors that affect drug metabolism.To Distribution and Protein 临床 master the characteristics and influencing factors of renal excretion and other excretory pathways of drugs. Binding 合理 用药和能 力。 课 程 目 标 2 2.1 Understand the significance of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics to new drug research and development and clinical application. 7. Drug elimination, clearance, and renal clearance 11. Physiologic drug distribution and protein binding 12. Drug elimination and hepatic clearance 具备 药学 基础 理 论、 基本 知 识、 基本 技 能。 2.2 Master the structure and properties of biofilms, drug transport mechanism, drug absorption pathways in different parts, and factors affecting drug absorption including physiology, drugs, dosage forms and preparations. 14. Physiologic Factors Related to Drug Absorption 具备 从事 药品 体内 评价 方面 工作 的知 识和 能 力。 2.3 Master the basic concepts of drug distribution, excretion and metabolism;skilled with the factors that affect drug distribution, the types of drug metabolic reactions and the factors that affect drug metabolism.To master the characteristics and influencing factors of renal excretion and other excretory pathways of drugs. 11. Physiologic Drug Distribution and Protein Binding 具备 从事 临床 合理 用药
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