testimonials of other buyers can build con- sharing expert knowledge help build commu fidence and add to the chances that the pur nity in industry or professional groups chaser will buy on-line"sight unseen. " This Entertainment programming: The Inter- is one way that content can be a source of net is being used by more and more people competitive advantage. Being able to interact as an entertainment medium With technol- with like-minded customers with shared ogies such as streaming media, which interests by reading their experiences or allows the internet to send television-like hearing how they have responded to a new images and sound, computers can provide product builds a sense of belonging that is everything from breaking news to video otherwise hard to create games to on-line movies. In fact, a stud Expertise: The Internet has emerged as a by the Pew Internet American Life Project tremendously important learning tool. Fifty indicates that among people using high one percent of users compare the Internet to a speed broadband service, Tv viewing is library. The primereason many users go to the down, and on-line activity has increased Web is to gain expertise. Web sites that pro- One reason is because the technology is vide new knowledge or unbiased information interactive which means that viewers don' are highly valuable. Additionally, the pro- just passively watch but use the Web to blem-solving function often involves educat create art or play on-line games. Businesses ing consumers regarding options and lave noticed this trend, of course, and are implications of various choices. For example creating Web content that is not just infor- endingTree. com, the on-line loan company mative but entertaining. Exhibit 3 tells how provides a Help Center that includes ex- on-line game developer Skyworks Technol tensive information and rces about obtaining loans, maintain od credit sales Exhibit 3 Advergaming". Making Advertisements Interactive and Fun Video games were popular well before the Web came along. But new digital technologies have made it possible to feature some of the best games on-line. Combine this with advertisers' need to use the Net's interactivity to make on-line ads more interesting and what do you get: Advergaming--on-line games that weave advertisements into the experience. Here are some examples A game designed for Pepsi involves an auto race in which the goal is to recover a stolen shipment of Mountain Dew Code Red. The top 100 gamers received a free case of the soft drink. Some games make you buy something to play. To play the Pebbles Big Barney Chase game, players must answer a question; to learn the answer, you have to purchase a box of Post Cereal Candystand. com, a Web site developed by Skyworks to promote Life Savers for Kraft Foods, features dozens of card, racing, and arcade games and ranks as the sixth most popular gaming destination on the Web According to Skyworks Technologies founder Garry Kitchen, advergaming can leave a deeper and more positive impression than television commercials. The idea is catching on--in a recent year, Skyworks made $4.3 million in revenues. Industry analyst Kent Allen of the Aberdeen Group expects the trend to continue, especially among consumer packaged-goods marketers "The consumer guys are starting to understand advergaming, says Allen. They re realizing it's a great way to connect with people and so forth. Further, the expertise function These three types of content-customer is not limited to consumer sites. In the case feedback, expertise and entertainment of b2b businesses Web sites that facilitate programming-are potential sources of 166 ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICStestimonials of other buyers can build con￾fidence and add to the chances that the pur￾chaser will buy on-line ‘‘sight unseen.’’ This is one way that content can be a source of competitive advantage. Being able to interact with like-minded customers with shared interests by reading their experiences or hearing how they have responded to a new product builds a sense of belonging that is otherwise hard to create.  Expertise: The Internet has emerged as a tremendously important learning tool. Fifty￾one percent of users compare the Internet to a library. The prime reason many users go to the Web is to gain expertise. Web sites that pro￾vide new knowledge or unbiased information are highly valuable. Additionally, the pro￾blem-solving function often involves educat￾ing consumers regarding options and implications of various choices. For example, LendingTree.com, the on-line loan company, provides a Help Center that includes ex￾tensive information and resources about obtaining loans, maintaining good credit, and so forth. Further, the expertise function is not limited to consumer sites. In the case of B2B businesses, Web sites that facilitate sharing expert knowledge help build commu￾nity in industry or professional groups.  Entertainment programming: The Inter￾net is being used by more and more people as an entertainment medium. With technol￾ogies such as streaming media, which allows the Internet to send television-like images and sound, computers can provide everything from breaking news to video games to on-line movies. In fact, a study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project indicates that among people using high￾speed broadband service, TV viewing is down, and on-line activity has increased. One reason is because the technology is interactive which means that viewers don’t just passively watch but use the Web to create art or play on-line games. Businesses have noticed this trend, of course, and are creating Web content that is not just infor￾mative but entertaining. Exhibit 3 tells how on-line game developer Skyworks Technol￾ogies is using games to increase product sales. These three types of content—customer feedback, expertise and entertainment programming—are potential sources of Exhibit 3 ‘‘Advergaming’’: Making Advertisements Interactive and Fun Video games were popular well before the Web came along. But new digital technologies have made it possible to feature some of the best games on-line. Combine this with advertisers’ need to use the Net’s interactivity to make on-line ads more interesting and what do you get: Advergaming—on-line games that weave advertisements into the experience. Here are some examples:  A game designed for Pepsi involves an auto race in which the goal is to recover a stolen shipment of Mountain Dew Code Red. The top 100 gamers received a free case of the soft drink.  Some games make you buy something to play. To play the Pebbles Big Barney Chase game, players must answer a question; to learn the answer, you have to purchase a box of Post Cereal.  Candystand.com, a Web site developed by Skyworks to promote Life Savers for Kraft Foods, features dozens of card, racing, and arcade games and ranks as the sixth most popular gaming destination on the Web. According to Skyworks Technologies founder Garry Kitchen, advergaming can leave a deeper and more positive impression than television commercials. The idea is catching on—in a recent year, Skyworks made $4.3 million in revenues. Industry analyst Kent Allen of the Aberdeen Group expects the trend to continue, especially among consumer packaged-goods marketers. ‘‘The consumer guys are starting to understand advergaming,’’ says Allen. ‘‘They’re realizing it’s a great way to connect with people.’’ 166 ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS
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