先进材料疑固实验室 Dendrite arm spacing Laboratory of Advanced Materials Solidification Normally ts is defined as the time taken for a thermocouple tip placed at a fixed point to be passed by a growing dendrite from its tip to its root. For directional solidification,we have: G ATs is the temperature range of the solidification ATs can be measured from phase diagram V is the growth speed G is the temperature gradient in liquid 上浒充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITYDendrite arm spacing Normally tS is defined as the time taken for a thermocouple tip placed at a fixed point to be passed by a growing dendrite from its tip to its root. For directional solidification, we have: ∆TS is the temperature range of the solidification ∆TS can be measured from phase diagram V is the growth speed GL is the temperature gradient in liquid